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随着环境保护和节能减排的需要,国家对汽油产品质量的要求也越来越高, 清洁油品受到青睐。国务院要求全国在2014年实行汽油国IV标准,届时呼和浩 特石化公司汽油质量无法全部满足要求,必须进行优化改造。 本报告针对呼和浩特石化公司500万吨/年炼油扩能改造后汽油的质量适应 国家标准情况进行了系统研究。 首先,本报告对投资项目可行性研究的理论进行了概述,明确了可行性研 究的程序和方法。结合公司面对内蒙古中西部市场和山西北部市场的特点‘,考 虑到地区发展迅速,油品市场大,消费潜力巨大等因素,对公司汽油的目标市 场进行了研究和分析。 其次,本报告对汽油升级项目方案进行了系统研究。从原辅材料、燃料需 求、装置规模、工艺流程等进行了研究;对当前国内外的主要工艺技术进行了 比选,推荐出了合适的技术方案;对项目的设备选型、平面布置、运输、存储 和三废排放、化验分析等进行了研究;对需配套的公用工程进行了研究。通过 采用国际上流行的脱硫、降烯烃技术,提高了催化汽油品质,最终产出符合国 IV、国V标准的清洁汽油,同时也符合国家产业政策的要求以及中国石油总部要 求,而且项目实施具有一定的紧迫性。 最后,报告详细研究了项目投资估算,结合欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司情况提出了融资方案,并 对项目的获利能力、盈利能力和不确定性方面等进行了财务分析,结果表明, 项目内部投资收益率30. 35%,项目投资回收期4. 17年。 关键词:可行性研究,汽油,质量升级 I Abstract With the needs of environmental protection and energy saving,Gasoline product quality requirements are also increasing, and clean-oil is to be favored. The State Council requires us to implement the State IV standards in China from 2014,the gasoline quality of Hohhot Petrochemical Company can not meet all these requirements then, and it must be conducted to be optimized and improved. The situations to meet the national standards have been systematically studied in light of the circumstances that 5 million tons/year refinery expansion and reconstruction engineering has been finished in Hohhot Petrochemical Company in this paper. Firstly, an introduction to the theory of the project investment feasibility researches has been described, the procedures and methods of the feasibility researches have been made sure, and the objective markets of ours company gasoline have been studied and analyzed,combining the characteristics of markets for ours to face to central west Inner Mongolia and north Shanxi. and considering fast development of the regional economy, large markets of gasoline, huge consumption potentials, and so on, in this paper. Secondly, a specific research project program to upgrade gasoline and refinery has been systematically studied in this paper. From the raw and auxiliary materials,fuel supply and plant size, process researches has been done; After comparison and election of the current domestic and overseas technologies,appropriate technical solutions has been recommended; The project equipment selection, layout,transport, storage and discharge of three wastes, laboratory analysis, etc. have been studied; And the public engineering used and matched has been also studied. The quality of catalytic gasoline has been promoted and the standards of clean gasoline for the State IV and the State V have been finally met through adopting the de-sulphur and olefin reduction technologies in international fashion, whist it has met the requirements of the national industrial policies and China Petroleum Headquarters, which is so pressing. Lastly, in this paper,the project investment-assuming has been studied in details, II Lastly, in this paper, the project investment-assuming has been studied in details, a program for financing has been put forward combining the situations of petroleum industries, and reaping and profiting abilities, and uncertainty, of the project, had been analyzed in finances. It was shown that the rate of return on the internal project investment was 30.35%, and the payback period is 4.17 years. Key words:Feasibi]ity Research, Gasoline, Quality Upgrading in 目录 第一章绪论 1 1.1建设单位基本情况 1 1.2项目背景 2 1.3项目建设理由 4 1. 3. 1汽油质量升级是国家环保法律法规的要求 4 1.3.2汽油升级可显著提高呼和浩特石化公司的经济效益 4 第二章投资项目可行性研究的理论概述 5 2. 1投资项目可行性研究的产生与发展 -...5 2. 1. 1投资项目可行性研究的涵义 5 2. 1. 2投资项目可行性研究在国内外的发展概况 6 2. 2投资项目可行性研究的程序和内容 8 2. 2.1投资项目可行性研究的阶段划分 8 2. 2. 2投资项目可行性研究的内容 9 2. 2. 3投资项目可行性研究的程序 10 第三章汽油升级项目市场分析 11 3.1产品市场分析 11 3.1.1内蒙古自治区成品油市场现状及预测 11 3. 1. 2山西成品油市场现状及预测 13 3. 1.3中国石油在内蒙古自治区成品油销售现状 15 3. 2目标市场竞争力分析 15 3. 2.1呼石化公司成品油目标市场确定 15 3.2.1目标市场产品竞争力分析 16 第四章汽油升级项目方案 19 4.1原料、辅助材料及燃料需求 19 4. 1.1原料需求 19 4. 1.2辅助材料需求 21 4. 1.3燃料需求 21 IV 4. 2建设规模及总工艺流程 22 4. 2. 1建设规模 22 4.2. 2总工艺流程 22 4. 3工艺装置 26 4. 3. 1工艺技术比选 26 4. 3. 2工艺方案 37 4.3. 3设备布置方案 42 4. 4主要设备选用 47 4. 5工艺装置的“三废”排放 47 4. 5. 1 废水 47 4.5. 2 废气 47 4. 5. 3 废渣 48 4. 6占地及定员 49 4. 7总图及运输 49 4. 7. 1总平面布置 49 4. 7. 2竖向布置 51 4. 7. 3 道路 51 4. 7. 4 运输 51 4. 8储运 52 4. 8. 1研究范围 52 4. 8. 2主要储运工艺流程 52 4. 8. 3储存系统设置方案 53 4. 9公用工程及辅助生产设施 54 4. 9. 1给排水 54 4.9.2 供电 55 4. 9. 3分析化验 56 第五章经济性分析 57 5. 1投资估算 57 5.1.1项目概况 57 5. 1.2投资估算范围 57 5. 1.3投资估算依据 57 V 5. 1.4项目总投资 57 5.2资金来源 58 5.2.1资金来源 58 5.2.2资本金筹措 59 5.2.3资金使用计划 59 5. 3财务分析 59 5. 3.1财务分析的基础 59 5. 3. 2成本费用估算 59 5. 3. 3营业收入与营业税金及附加估算 61 5. 3. 4项目获利能力分析 61 5. 3. 5项目盈利能力分析 62 5. 3. 6项目不确定性分析 ...62 5. 3. 7财务分析结论 63 第六章研究结论 65 附 录 68

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