经过四十余年的改革开放,中国的经济实力实现了突飞猛进的发展。伴随着中国经 济的腾飞,与经济发展密切相关的先进的现代人力资源管理理念也被源源不断地介绍进 来。然而,这些理念却没有被充分运用到事业单位之中,这在一定程度上影响了事业单 位的发展,使其没有完全跟上国家改革发展的步伐。事业单位人员的工作状态,是政府 服务职能的集中体现。因此,对事业单位人员管理体制的现状和问题进行研究,将先进 的人力资源管理理念,尤其是直接影响到员工工作状态的激励理论引入到事业单位人员 管理体制中来,就显得尤为必要。 本文着眼于陕西省直属事业单位 X 学院行政人员,在激励相关理论及前人研究成果 的指导下,运用调查问卷和深度访谈方式进行调查研究,总结了 X 学院行政人员激励现 状存在的主要问题是物质激励不强、精神激励单一、绩效考核制度执行过程中流于形式 且主观性因素过多、员工培训有效性欠缺、晋升机制僵化等;分析了问题产生与存在的 原因主要与其制度因素、文化因素和不重视个体差异有关;提出了应坚持以人为本,在 系统性、动态性、实践性及公平性原则的指导下,制定可行计划,做到物质激励与精神 激励相结合,正向激励与负向激励相平衡,制定全面合理的绩效考核制度,重视员工的 培训学习,及时更新晋升制度的改进方案;并且指出了要在激励改进过程中重视个体差 异,畅通沟通渠道与反馈机制,形成良好的学院文化,为激励改进方案的实施提供保障。 关键词 事业单位,行政人员,激励机制,激励改进,保障措施II ABSTRACT After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China's economic strength has achieved rapid development. With the rapid development of economy, the advanced modern human resource management concept, which is closely related to the economic development, has been introduced continuously. However, these ideas have not been fully applied to institutions, which to a certain extent has affected the development of institutions, so that they have not fully kept pace with the pace of reform and development of the country. The working state of the personnel in the institutions is the concentrated embodiment of the government’s service function. Therefore, the current situation and problems of personnel management system in institutions will be studied, and advanced human resource management concepts will be put forward, especially in the field of human resources management. It is particularly necessary to introduce the incentive theory, which directly affects the working status of employees, into the personnel management system of public institutions. This paper focuses on the administrative staff of X College, an institution directly affiliated to Shaanxi Province, under the guidance of relevant theories of motivation and previous research results, using questionnaires and in-depth interviews to conduct investigation and research. This paper summarizes the main problems existing in the current situation of administrative staff motivation in X College: the material motivation is not strong, the spiritual motivation is single, the performance appraisal system is carried out in the process of formality and subjectivity, and the effectiveness of employee training is lacking. Rigid promotion mechanism, etc. This paper analyzes the reasons for the emergence and existence of the problems and their institutional causes. Element, cultural factors and lack of attention to individual differences. Under the guidance of the principles of systematization, dynamics, practicality and fairness, we should make feasible plans, combine material motivation with spiritual motivation, balance positive motivation with negative motivation, and put forward that we should adhere to the principle of people-oriented, systematic, dynamic, practical andIII fair. Establish a comprehensive and reasonable performance appraisal system, pay attention to staff training and study, update the promotion system in a timely manner. It also points out that individual differences should be emphasized in the process of incentive improvement, communication channels and feedback mechanism should be unblocked, and a good college culture should be formed to provide guarantee for the implementation of incentive and improvement schemes. Keywords institutional units,administrative personnel,excitation mechanism, incentive improvement,safeguard measuresIV 目录 摘要......I ABSTRACT.II 第一章 绪论1 1.1 选题背景及研究意义1 1.1.1 选题背景........1 1.1.2 研究意义........2 1.2 国内外研究现状.......2 1.2.1 国外研究现状........2 1.2.2 国内研究现状........3 1.3 研究思路及框架.......3 1.3.1 研究思路.......3 1.3.2 研究内容.......4 1.3.3 主要研究方法........4 1.3.4 研究框架.......6 1.4 论文的主要工作.......6 第二章 激励相关理论..8 2.1 激励与激励机制........8 2.1.1 激励的概念....8 2.1.2 激励机制.......8 2.2 激励理论.9 2.2.1 马斯洛需要层次理论......9 2.2.2 奥德弗的 ERG 理论.....10 2.2.3 麦克里兰的成就需要理论.... 11 2.2.4 赫兹伯格的双因素理论 11 2.2.5 弗鲁姆的期望理论.......13 2.2.6 亚当斯的公平理论.......14 2.3 激励的类型....14V 2.3.1 物质激励与非物质激励14 2.3.2 正向激励与负向激励....14 2.3.3 外在激励与内在激励....15 2.4 激励的作用....17 第三章 X 学院行政人员激励现状调查........ 18 3.1 X 学院行政人员概况....... 18 3.1.1 X 学院基本情况... 18 3.1.2 学院行政人员......19 3.2 X 学院现有行政人员激励措施 21 3.2.1 薪酬激励.....21 3.2.2 精神激励.....22 3.2.3 绩效考核.....22 3.2.4 员工培训.....22 3.2.5 晋升制度.....22 3.3 调查问卷........23 3.3.1 调查问卷设计......23 3.3.2 问卷有效性及信度分析........23 3.3.3 调查问卷结果统计分析........23 3.4 深度访谈........25 3.4.1 深度访谈提纲设计.......25 3.4.2 访谈反馈.....26 第四章 X 学院行政人员激励存在的问题及原因. 30 4.1 X 学院行政人员激励存在问题 30 4.1.1 物质激励存在的主要问题....30 4.1.2 精神激励存在的主要问题....32 4.1.3 绩效考核的执行问题...33 4.1.4 培训学习的有效性问题........34 4.1.5 职位(称)晋升制度僵化问题.....35 4.2 X 学院行政人员激励问题存在的原因...... 37VI 4.2.1 制度因素.....37 4.2.2 单位文化氛围因素.......37 4.2.3 不重视员工个体差异...38 第五章 X 学院行政人员激励改进方案........ 39 5.1 激励改进方案的目标......39 5.2 激励改进方案思路.39 5.3 激励改进方案的原则......40 5.3.1 系统性原则.40 5.3.2 动态性原则.40 5.3.3 实践性原则.40 5.3.4 公平性原则.40 5.4 激励改进方案的具体内容.......41 5.4.1 物质激励与精神激励相结合41 5.4.2 制定全面合理的绩效管理制度.....43 5.4.3 重视员工培训学习.......45 5.4.4 及时更新晋升机制.......46 第六章 改进方案实施保障.48 6.1 重视个体差异48 6.2 畅通沟通渠道48 6.3 良好的文化保障.....49 第七章 结论与展望....51 7.1 研究结论51 7.2 展望........51