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Talent is the fundamental and lifeline of company's development and it is the
core competitiveness. Effective personnel’s training is not only a booster for business
growth and scale expansion, but also a basic way to enhance the competitiveness of
the industry. Under the trend of economic globalization, the Internet economy has
become increasingly fierce. The rapid growth of market operations and the
continuous expansion of the company's scale both have imposed higher requirements
on the quality and level of personnel. As a large-scale telecommunication company,
Jiangxi Y Company must gather talents, make concerted efforts, strategically deploy
personnel training, and build its own brand in order to have certain advantages in the
5G era and keep pace with the development of the times.
However, Jiangxi Y Company is still not perfect in the personnel training
mechanism and there are a series of problems, such as: the goals of personnel training
are vague, training means are single, training results lack the conversion environment,
the evaluation mechanism is not perfect and so on. In the analysis of specific issues,
this paper adopted a questionnaire survey method to understand the employees’
attitude to Jiangxi Y Company’s cultivation of talents, and clarified the current
strategy for talent cultivation of Jiangxi Y Company; In order to get the discussion’s
theoretical basis, this article adopted the method of literature induction to summarize
the thoughts of talent training at home and abroad. The case analysis method was
used to evaluate the current situation of Jiangxi Y Company's personnel training, by
researching the management of employee positions, the proposal of selecting and
hiring experts, staff training plans and so on. By finding the accurate research entry
points, using the appropriate research methods, the content of the article is more
substantial, the argument is more theoretical. It strives to innovate and break new
ground in theoretical research.
Based on the current situation investigation and problem analysis, the paper
proposes corresponding solutions to further innovate Jiangxi Y Company's talent
training mechanism from three aspects: perfecting the training system, improving
safeguard measures, and improving the incentive mechanism. The purpose is to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of personnel training and make the talent
training mechanism more in line with Jiangxi Y Company's strategic goals. This
paper studies and explores the Jiangxi Y company's talent cultivation mechanism, to
obtain a method or a route to further enhance the company's core competitiveness,
maintain industry leadership and win continuous high-speed development under the
new situation.
Key words: Talent; Communication Industry; Talent training; Mechanism Innovation
第1章 绪论 ..... 1
1.1 选题背景 ......... 1
1.1.1 国内外欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展背景及人才概述 ....... 1
1.1.2 江西Y公司人才概况 .. 2
1.2 选题意义 ......... 3
1.2.1 人才培养机制研究理论意义 ... 3
1.2.2 人才培养机制研究现实意义 ... 3
1.3 主要内容及思路 ......... 3
1.4 研究综述 ......... 4
1.4.1 国外研究文献综述 ....... 4
1.4.2 国内研究文献综述 ....... 5
1.5 研究方法 ......... 8
1.5.1 文献归纳法 ....... 8
1.5.2 案例研究法 ....... 8
1.5.3 问卷调查法 ....... 9
1.5.4 逻辑分析法 ....... 9
第2章 相关理论概述 ........... 10
2.1 人才的内涵 ... 10
2.1.1 人才的定义 ..... 10
2.1.2 人才培养机制概念 ..... 11
2.1.3 人才培养的内容与原则 ......... 11
2.2 人才培养的相关理论 ........... 13
2.2.1 人才资本理论 . 13
2.2.2 激励理论 ......... 14
2.2.3 群体学习理论 . 15
2.2.4 期望理论 ......... 16
第3章 江西Y公司人才培养现状与问题 .. 17
3.1 江西Y公司人才培养的现状 .......... 17
3.1.1 江西Y公司机构设置17
3.1.2江西Y公司人才构成概况 ..... 18
3.1.3 江西Y公司人才培养机制的现状特征 ........ 20
3.2 江西Y公司人才培养存在的问题 .. 21
3.2.1 人才培养目标模糊 ..... 21
3.2.2 人才培养手段单一 ..... 22
3.2.3 人才培养成果转化环境缺乏 . 23
3.2.4 人才培养评价机制不健全 ..... 23
第4章 江西Y公司人才培养机制创新的思路和方案 ...... 25
4.1 江西Y公司人才培养机制创新的基本思路 .......... 25
4.1.1 优化人才结构 . 25
4.1.2 分层分类培养 . 26
4.1.3 提升人才培养的效率和效益 . 27
4.2 江西Y公司人才培养机制创新的内容 ...... 27
4.2.1 岗位细分培养机制 ..... 27
4.2.2 Y型晋升通道人才培养机制... 28
4.2.3 专业骨干人才培养强化机制 . 31
4.3 江西Y公司人才培养机制创新的方案 ...... 31
4.3.1 搭建人才培养平台,明确人才培养目标 ..... 31
4.3.2 创造良好的人才选拔及竞聘环境 ..... 32
4.3.3 制定不同类别的岗位培养子系统 ..... 32
4.3.4 建立人才培养闭环机制 ......... 33
第5章江西Y公司人才培养机制创新的措施建议 ........ 34
5.1 完善人才培养体系 ... 34
5.1.1 建立人才培养战略规划 ......... 34
5.1.2 建立行之有效的培训体系 ..... 34
5.2 健全人才保障措施 ... 35
5.2.1 培养手段保障 . 35
5.2.2 培养成果转化保障 ..... 36
5.3 完善人才培养激励机制 ....... 37
5.3.1 发挥人才作用,完善薪酬激励 ......... 38。

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