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of contents
Pg. 2
Pg. 4
Pg. 11
Ad fraud
Pg. 13
Brand risk
Pg. 16
Pg. 21
About IAS
Pg. 22
IAS Media Quality Report H1 2018 | United Kingdom EditionFraudulent, non-viewable impressions, and risky
content erode value for advertisers. When impressions
are not viewable or not served to a real human they
never have the opportunity to create impact. Ads
delivered next to risky content can incur negative
brand perception or cause damage to a brand’s
image. Only using verifcation can advertisers protect
themselves from loss of value due to these media
quality threats.
But how do advertisers really create value The answer
might be in the way we look at ad exposure. The
amount of time consumers are exposed to advertising
directly impacts the efectiveness of campaigns. As
a result, we’ve included time-in-view metrics in the
report for the frst time, showing the average duration
impressions remain in-view.
Key H1 2018 UK media quality trends
Mobile web performance shines in the UK
Consumers are deeply connected to their mobile
devices, and mobile continues to change how media
is consumed. In the H1 2018 Report, we discovered
that mobile web ofers the best quality: The highest
viewability performance was found in mobile web
video at 69%. Additionally, risk to a brand’s image and
ad fraud were both reduced in mobile environments.
Programmatic viewability continues to improve
Programmatic inventory includes media from a
diverse array of sources. Direct buys have traditionally
led to higher viewability and that remains true
on average. However, we see that programmatic
viewability continues to improve and is beginning to
reach parity with direct inventory sources. From H2
2017 to H1 2018, UK desktop programmatic display
viewability has improved 20.5% from 52.5% to 63.3%.
Average impression duration is longer on desktop
On-the-go consumers spend less time on individual
pieces of content but are consuming more content
overall. We discovered that the time spent viewing
mobile ads aligns with this pattern, with consumer
attention spans found to be shorter on mobile. During
H1 2018, UK desktop impressions were in-view for
an average of 10.88 seconds which was 33.8% longer
when compared to mobile display.
IAS Media Quality Report H1 2018 | United Kingdom EditionWith each Media Quality Report we ofer new insights,
include additional benchmarks and involve key global
markets. We are excited to announce the inclusion of
expanded mobile data for the larger digital markets.
Additionally, in the H1 2018 report we are able to
include greater video data across a larger number of
markets around the globe.
More mobile data and new
time-in-view benchmarks
In the UK, we are excited to announce we have included
mobile web display, mobile web video, and mobile app
display data for the frst time in H1 2018. We are also
launching time-in-view benchmarks that show the
average duration that impressions were in-view.
What’s new
Per the Media Ratings Council (MRC), a
display ad impression is viewable if at least
50% of pixels are on screen for at least
one second, and a video ad impression
is viewable if the ad is playing while a
minimum of 50% of pixels are on screen
for at least two continuous seconds.
Time-in-view is the average duration that
impressions remained in-view. This average
does not include impressions that were not
viewable according to the MRC standard.
Ad fraud
Any impressions resulting from a deliberate
activity that prevents the proper delivery of
ads to real people, at the right time, in the
right place.
Optimised fraud
Optimised fraud benchmarks represent
campaigns that were executed with a fraud
mitigation strategy and employed use of ad
fraud technology.
Global non-optimised fraud
Non-optimised fraud benchmarks represent
campaigns that did not have any form of
fraud mitigation strategy and did not employ
any form of ad fraud technology. These
benchmarks now refect a global average.
Brand risk
Impressions that are fagged for posing a
level of damage to brand image and/or
reputation through association, based on
seven core content categories: adult, alcohol,
hate speech, illegal downloads, illegal drugs,
ofensive language and violence.
IAS Media Quality Report H1 2018 | United Kingdom Edition。

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