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1United States Edition
Benchmarks are best understood in context. Political,
economic, cultural, and media trends can both impact media
quality metrics and also be refected by them. To better
understand those trends and the benchmarks they shape,
we invite you to take a look at the 2017 macro trends
we identifed using data derived from nearly 500 billion
impressions, globally.
Key H2 2017
media quality trends
Industry eforts to improve viewability are working
Between H1 and H2 2017, viewability increased across desktop
display and video formats. U.S. desktop video viewability
increased by 12.9% from 57.8% to 66.3%. This improvement
refects the eforts of big brands to pressure publishers and
tech providers to take action and improve viewability.
Programmatic video viewability is increasing signifcantly
With advancements in verifcation as well as increased
optimization eforts, programmatic video viewability is
becoming an industry success story. Video has shown marked
improvement within programmatic, increasing 18.5% from 48.5%
to 59.5%.
The media environment is impacting risk
The prominence of various risk categories continues to fuctuate
along with global news and media trends. For example, the
increase in articles around hate speech, in a volatile global
political climate, has reshaped the risk landscape. Hate speech,
although still a low proportion of risk, increased from 2.3% to
4.5% of total risk.
Advertisers are paying close attention to brand safety
Big headlines in 2017 have increased advertiser concern around
the potentially detrimental brand impact of risky content.
Between H1 and H2 2017, overall brand risk in the U.S. increased
by 22.2% across publisher direct and programmatic buys.
Media quality metrics
move digital forward
32IAS Media Quality Report H2 2017United States Edition
Ad fraud
Fraudulent impressions are derived from any deliberate
activity that prevents the proper delivery of ads to real people,
at the right time, in the right place.
Optimized: Representative of campaigns that were executed
with a fraud mitigation strategy.
Non-optimized: Representative of campaigns that did not
incorporate a form of fraud mitigation strategy.
Brand risk
Brand risk refers to impressions that are fagged on pages
that pose various levels of harm to brand image and/or
reputation through association. Brand risk is based on seven
core content categories: adult, alcohol, hate speech, illegal
downloads, illegal drugs, ofensive language and controversial
news, and violence.
Per the Media Rating Council (MRC), a display ad impression is
viewable if at least 50% of pixels are on screen for at least one
second after the ad has rendered. A video ad impression is
viewable if the ad is playing while at least 50% of pixels are on
screen for at least two seconds.
New in this report
Additional market-level data will now be included from several
Eastern European and Southeast Asian markets. This data is
included in our H2 2017 global benchmarks and will be broken
out further within our globally-focused reports.
4IAS Media Quality Report H2 2017
5United States Edition
The industry may be in the midst of a mobile boom; however,
the importance of desktop platforms for advertisers cannot be
ignored. Forecasts indicate consumers will spend nearly $180
billion on desktop devices, globally.1
Globally, advertising spending on desktop will account for
over 15% of total ad spend across all media, illustrating the
importance of the device for campaign delivery.2 Despite ad
spending on desktop showing some decline in recent years,
advertisers still see it as an essential platform.
1 Statista
2 Dentsu Aegis

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