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Introduction 1 Malware Is Increasingly Pervasive, Costly, and Debilitating 3 Malware Infections Are Associated With Unlicensed Software5 Software Asset Management CanDecrease These Cyber-Risks and Boost Bottom Lines 8 Global Trends 12 Software Asset Management: How to Protect Your Organization From Risk and Increase Value14 Methodology 17 Endnotes20 CONTENTS www bsa org1 SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT: SECURITY IMPERATIVE, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Introduction A round the world, software has becomeone of the most ubiquitous and essentialtools businesses use to perform theirmost fundamental everyday tasks — fromtracking sales, maintaining books, targeting markets,communicating with customers, collaborating withpartners, to boosting productivity. With breakthroughadvances making software even more capable,organizations are increasingly using it as a catalyst forimproving the way they do business, growing theirbottom lines, reaching new markets, and obtainingcompetitive advantages.Too often today however, users are seeing theirefforts to harness innovative technologies hamperedby crippling security threats, including exposureto malware. It is increasingly clear that malwareinfections are tightly linked to the use of unlicensedsoftware. As a result, many CIOs are coming tounderstand the true costs of unlicensed softwareand taking pragmatic steps to improve their softwaremanagement.To better understand these impacts andopportunities, BSA’s Global Software Survey,conducted in partnership with IDC, set out toquantify the volume and value of unlicensed softwareinstalled on personal computers across more than110 national and regional economies. The resultsshow that, although CIOs are aware that usingunlicensed software creates security risks, 37 percentof software installed on personal computers is stillunlicensed.The report thus makes clear that in this era ofheightened cybersecurity risk, organizations need to take the critical frst step of assessing what is intheir network and eliminating unlicensed software. In doing so, they can reduce the risk of harmful cyberattacks and boost the bottom line. ■Use of unlicensed software, whiledown slightly, is still widespread. ■CIOs are fnding unlicensed softwareis increasingly risky and expensive.■Improving software complianceis now an economic enabler andsecurity imperative. ■Organizations can take meaningfulsteps today to improve softwaremanagement and achieve importantgains.KEY TRENDS AND FINDINGS2 BSA | The Software Alliance Use ofunlicensedsoftware, whiledown slightly, is stillwidespread. Despite aglobal two-point drop inunlicensed software installationrates during the last two years,unlicensed software is still beingused around the globe at alarmingrates, accounting for 37 percent of softwareinstalled on personal computers. Althoughthe overall commercial value of unlicensedsoftware has also been declining, the majority ofall countries in the survey still have unlicensed ratesof 50 percent or higher. These high rates don’t justdelay the local economic benefts that are associatedwith thriving technology use, they impede growth ina company’s bottom line and induce unprecedentedsecurity risks.CIOs are fnding unlicensed software isincreasingly risky and expensive. Organizationsnow face a one-in-three chance of encounteringmalware when they obtain or install an unlicensedsoftware package or buy a computer with unlicensedsoftware on it. Each malware attack can cost acompany $2.4 million on average and can take up to50 days to resolve. To the extent that the infectionleads to company downtime, or lost business data,it can also seriously affect the company’s brand andreputation. The cost for dealing with malware that isassociated with unlicensed software is growing too.It can now cost a company more than $10,000 perinfected computer, and cost companies worldwidenearly $359 billion a year. Avoiding the securitythreats from malware is now the number one reasonCIOs cite for ensuring the software on their networkis fully licensed.Improving software compliance is now aneconomic enabler and security imperative. Withgrowing costs from malware, business leaders areincreasingly turning to fully licensed software thatcan be patched with the latest updates as a key lineof defense against crippling malware incursions, databreaches, and other security risks. More and moreleaders are also realizing that improving their abilityto manage software across an entire organizationcan be a powerful new tool to help them decreasedowntime, and signifcantly boost their bottomline. In fact, IDC estimates that when companiestake pragmatic steps to improve their softwaremanagement, they can boost their bottom line by as much as 11 percentanizations can take meaningful steps todayto improve software management and achieveimportant gains. To access these benefts,organizations can implement proven software assetmanagement (SAM) best practices to improve theirsoftware asset management and get more out oftheir technology. SAM not only helps CIOs ensurethat software running on their network is legitimateand fully licensed, it can also help decreasedebilitating cyber-risks, improve productivity, reducedowntime, centralize license management, andreduce costs. Studies show that organizations canachieve as much as 30 percent savings in annualsoftware costs by implementing a robust SAM andsoftware license optimization program.1This in-depth analysis of the use ofunlicensed software shows thatcompanies that implement strongmeasures to improve the way theymanage software now have apowerful new tool for reducingsecurity risks, boostingtheir bottom line,decreasing downtime,and growingopportunity. KEY FINDINGS 。。。。。。

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