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LY 市甲醛企业一线展开调研,收集第一手数据和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,通过数据处理和分析,系统探
讨了 LY 市甲醛欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司安全生产管理中存在的漏洞和问题,并据此提出了建立多元化安全
为了从根本上解决 LY 市甲醛欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司安全管理存在的问题,本文提出建立多元化的甲
保政府、企业、安全生产中介服务机构、媒体以及社会群众齐心协力,从根本上促进 LY
In recent years, the problem of safety production in LY city is frequently occurred,
which is not only related to government regulation, but also related to the long-term neglect of
safety management.With the rapid development of LY, formaldehyde industry, especially the
rapid expansion of enterprise scale and quantity of formaldehyde, the existing safety
management system defects increasingly exposed. The government supervision task is more
and more serious, are facing severe pressure on production safety management.
This paper uses literature research method combing at home and abroad on production
safety management policies and regulations and related research. The author LY
formaldehyde business line investigation, collecting first-hand data and information, and the
establishment of the diversification of production safety management system is put forward.
Through the investigation, the author found that the government safety supervision, the
current supervision system in the administrative licensing law enforcement and inspection
department linkage mechanism in the outstanding problems; at the enterprise level, there is
widespread lack of safety investment, set up Application of old equipment, safety
management level is not high; in the public opinion supervision, failed to timely introduction
of Internet and media production safety management field. The official media exposure
mechanism rigid, seriously affecting the public opinion supervision.
In order to solve the existing LY formaldehyde industry safety management problems
fundamentally, this paper puts forward a scheme to establish a safety management system of
formaldehyde industry diversification. Its contents include the improvement of government
supervision mechanism; the third party intermediary service organizations. To help
enterprises solve practical difficulties in the work of safety management; improve the
approval of media exposure mechanism, since the media will introduce formaldehyde
industry supervision system, dual supervision of the government and enterprises. Through the
production safety management system, production safety intermediary service agencies, the
media and the masses of the people work together to fundamentally promote the safety
management of LY formaldehyde industry to a new level.
Key words:Diversification, Government regulation, Third party agency, Formaldehyde
目 录
第一章 绪论....1
1.1 选题背景及意义.........1
1.1.1 选题背景..........1
1.1.2 选题意义..........2
1.2 国内外研究现状.........2
1.2.1 国内研究现状..2
1.2.2 国外研究现状..3
1.2.3 研究述评..........4
1.3 研究内容.........5
1.4 研究方法.........5
第二章 安全生产管理相关概念和法律法规7
2.1 安全生产管理相关概念界定.7
2.2 我国安全生产管理的法律体系和行政体系.8
2.2.1 法律法规体系..8
2.2.2 行政体系..........9
2.3 我国安全生产管理的历史沿革.........9
2.4 本章小结.......10
第三章 LY 市甲醛欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司安全生产管理问题分析.....11
3.1 政府监管问题...........11
3.1.1 行政许可宽松11
3.1.2 执法检查不严12
3.1.3 部门权责不清14
3.2 甲醛企业内部安全管理问题...........15
3.2.1 安全生产资金投入不足........16
3.2.2 安全管理人员不足....16
3.2.3 安全设施不达标........17
3.3 舆论监督问题...........17IV
3.3.1 官方媒体和自媒体缺乏融合.18
3.3.2 媒体曝光机制僵硬.....18
3.4 本章小结........18
第四章 多元化安全管理及其方案设计.......21
4.1 改进安监部门运行机制........21
4.1.1 建立危险化学品工作专线.....21
4.1.2 建立基层管理网格.....23
4.1.3 建立异地执法互查机制.........24
4.1.4 建立安全生产约谈机制.
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