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和环境因素等指标的情况下,运用带有非期望产出的 SBM 模型测量 2009-2013
关键词: 绿色创新,区域创新效率,SBM 模型,环境规制II
In today&39;s high-speed econom ic development,Innovation are becom ing the m ost important
decision factors in long-term steady economic growth. The tradition of technological innovation
hurts the environm ent while promoting rapid ec onomic growth. It has become essential to
concentrate on developing the green innovation. The key issue of green innovation is to improve the
performance of resources and environm ent, that is, to reduce the intensity of ener gy use and
pollutant emissions by the way of i mproving the efficiency of using resource. For China, the
environmental resources and innovative resources are limited. The study is important in order to get
the most output with m inimum capital investment and improve the efficiency of the environm ent
and innovation resources-- ignore the ef ficiency of regional green innovation. And it has
significance for the problem of resource scarcity and improving the regional technology innovation
Based on the theory of the sort of green innovation and summary, thesis describes the meaning
of green innovation efficiency, the concept of green innovation efficiency and establishes a green
innovation efficiency evaluation index system. By introducing the index of resource and
environmental cost factors , we estimate the green innovation efficiency of various China&39;s province
for the 5-year period(2009-2013) using SBM model. According to the research, we find that the
green innovation ef ficiency in our country is growing in the y ears 2009-2013 on the whole.
Moreover, there is a significant dif ference in the green innovation ef ficiency of regions show ing
from strong to weak gradient distribution from th e east, central, to west region. The Environm ental
regulation and govern ment support has po sitive impact on green innovatio n efficiency,
Environmental regulation has a significant im pact. Therefore, in order to enhance the green
innovation efficiency of different regions of Chin a, it is im portant to improve the environm ental
regulation policy, strengthen the green innovation capital investment and adopt different innovation
support policies among different regions.
Key words: Green innovation, Regional innovation efficiency, SBM model, environmental regulationIII
第一章 绪论. 1
1.1 研究背景与研究意义........ 1
1.1.1 研究背景.1
1.1.2 理论价值.1
1.1.3 实践意义.2
1.2 国内外研究现状及评述.... 2
1.2.1 关于绿色创新的研究 ....2
1.2.2 关于区域创新效率的研究........6
1.2.3 研究现状评述...11
1.3 论文的研究内容与方法.. 12
1.3.1 研究目的...........12
1.3.2 研究方法...........12
1.4 论文的研究内容与框架.. 13
1.4.1 研究内容...........13
1.4.2 技术路线...........14
第二章 概念界定与理论回顾 ....... 16
2.1 相关概念辨析...... 16
2.1.1 绿色创新...........16
2.1.2 区域创新...........17
2.2 相关理论基础...... 18
2.2.1 可持续发展理论...........18
2.2.2 区域创新系统理论.......20
2.3 本章小结.. 23
第三章 理论模型及研究设计 ....... 24
3.1 绿色创新效率的内涵 ..... 24
3.2 绿色创新效率评价指标体系的建立...... 24
3.2.1 绿色创新效率评价指标体系建立的目标.....24
3.2.2 评价指标体系的构建原则...........
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