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Big data as one of the important direction of the development of modern
information technology, triggering a revolution in thinking and changing the way
people investigating the world, with hitherto unknown speed causing profound
changes in social, economic, academic, scientific research, national defense, military
and other fields. The reason that big data has been able to cause changes in the
industry is not only the huge data itself, but also the huge value contained in the
data,as the most important reason. At present, the analysis of big data are often
confined to the routine application, however, the value of big data is not completely
released, so I believe that the complete release of big data value needs to be incubated.
Based on collecting, filtering and sorting out a large number of data value incubating
cases, this paper uses document research, case study and total sample analysis to
study the common characteristics of big data value incubation. The findings are as
follows: (1) Incubation of big data values can be abstracted as a linear process
consisting of four phases: incubation, germination, expansion and extension. The
incubation of big data value requires data collection, data analysis, routine use,
transfer and big data thinking and other related capabilities; (2) The incubation of big
data value mainly manifests four models: independent innovation, relay innovation,
crowdsourcing and innovation alliance. According to the requirements of the four
kinds of incubation model, the author has summarized four selection mechanisms
including the radical choice, compromise choice, trick selection and conservative
choice; (3) The incubation of big data values requires not only the incubator have the
appropriate incubation capacity, but also the corresponding infrastructure and
supporting policies. This paper hopes to find out the universal law of big data value
incubation and provide reference for innovation and industry development based on
big data, strategic decision of innovation subject and government policy making.
Key words: Big data,The value of big data,Incubation pattern,
Infrastructure,Support policy目 录
目 录
中 文 摘要....ii
1.1 研究背景........1
1.2 问题的提出和研究意义........2
1.2.1 问题的提出....2
1.2.2 研究意义........2
1.3 文献综述........4
1.3.1 大数据4
1.3.2 大数据的价值6
1.3.3 社会大数据价值与实现........7
1.3.4 研究评述........8
1.4 本文的概念界定........8
1.4.1 大数据8
1.4.2 大数据的价值9
1.5 研究内容与研究方法9
1.5.1 研究内容........9
1.5.2 研究方法......11
1.6 创新点..........12
2.1 数据收集与过滤......14
2.1.1 数据收集......14
2.1.2 数据过滤......14
2.2 案例整理......15
2.3 本章小结......19
3.1 理论假设......20
3.1 孵化过程模型..........21
3.1.1 孕育..21
3.1.2 萌
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