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退换货困难。在此形势下,O2O 模式的出现解决了这些难题,为建材家居业的
销售提供了一种新思路,O2O 模式线上寻找目标客户,线下提供体验服务,让
消费者既能享受网上的价格又能体验门店服务,O2O 模式的出现,为建材家居
城市团购网是 O2O 模式的倡导者,是典型的运用 O2O 模式成长发展起来的
系当地建材厂家,让双方见面成交,并为双方提供相应的保障服务,O2O 运营
然城市团购网运营过程中也存在一系列问题,本文通过对 O2O 模式下团购网站
同时也为建材家居欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的 O2O 模式发展提供参考依据
关键词:运营管理;O2O 模式;建材;城市团购网II
With the development of Internet application, the payment system gradually
perfect, and the people change the way of consumption, e-commerce, with its
astonishing speed to obtain remarkable development, not only penetrated into
production, and affects every aspect of life, step by step in China, online shopping has
become quite common, and on this basis, the logistics system, payment system,
consumer behavior research is also a strong upward .
In recent years, the splendor of the real estate industry to promote the vigorous
development of furniture industry, keep up with the development of The Times, like a
raging fire of building materials household products online sales unstoppable.
Building materials household and other durable consumer goods has its particularity,
however, the product quality is difficult to identify and has a great influence on
consumers&39; product experience.The installation requirements is very high.. In this
situation, the emergence of the O2O mode to solve these problems, for the sales of
building materials home float subsequently provides a new way of thinking, O2O
mode identify target customers online, offline experience service, let the consumer to
enjoy online price and experience store services, the emergence of the O2O mode for
the development of household building materials industry has brought to life.
Citytogo is the advocate of the O2O mode .It is the use of typical O2O model
developed growth leading enterprise. Citytogo offers decorate building materials
furniture appliances and the one-stop service. It provides decorating a process of
various materials for decoration intention of the owner on the one hand, on the other
hand, It contacts with the local building materials manufacturers and let both sides
meet clinch a deal, and provides the corresponding security service for both sides.
O2O model has the rationality of its existence for building materials industry. It
solved the building materials industry product quality requirement . this article
through to group-buying O2O mode of analysis and study of operations management
problems, problems arising from the comprehensive building materials household
products sales, from the perspective of operation management, analysis of urban
group in the whole of the problems existing in operation management, and puts
forward the corresponding solutions, as well as household building materials industry
provide a reference basis of O2O model development.
Key words: Operations Management;O2O mode;Building materials;CitytogoIII
目 录
Abstract ..........II
第 1 章 绪 论.......1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ..........1
1.1.1 选题背景...........1
1.1.2 研究意义...........2
1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2
1.2.1 网络团购的研究现状.2
1.2.2 O2O 网站运营管理的研究现状 .....5
1.3 研究内容与方法 ..........6
1.3.1 主要内容...........6
1.3.2 研究方法...........6
1.4 论文的创新点 7
第 2 章 相关理论概述.8
2.1 团购概述 ....8
2.1.1 团购的概念与特点...8
2.1.2 团购的分类与作用...9
2.1.3 团购的流程........11
2.1.4 团购遭遇的困境....12
2.2 O2O 概述....13
2.2.1 O2O 概念及构成要素 13
2.2.2 O2O 模式的特点及发展现状 ......14
2.2.3 O2O 模式在建材家具欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的应用 ..15
2.3 网站运营管理概述 .......17
2.3.1 网站运营管理的含义18
2.3.2 网站运营管理的特点19
第 3 章 城市团购网运营管理现状分析..........20
3.1 城市团购网简介 .........20
3.1.1 城市团购网网站基本情况........20
3.1.2 城市团购网网站流量22
3.1.3 城市团购网网站盈利模式........23
3.2 网站运营管理存在的问题 .25
3.2.1 人员流失严重......25
3.2.2 筹集资金困难......25
3.2.3 销售遭遇瓶颈......26
3.2.4 业务推广艰辛......27
3.2.5 后台技术薄弱......27
3.3 网站运营管理存在问题的原因分析 .....28
3.3.1 企业制度缺乏创新..28IV
3.3.2 投资环境内外严峻..29
3.3.3 商家服务意识滞后..29
3.3.4 精准客户难寻难觅..30
3.3.5 开发方案思路单一..30
第 4 章 城市团购网运营管理改进策略..........31
4.1 人力资源策略 ...........31
4.1.1 重塑文化内涵......31
4.1.2 规范企业制度......31
4.2 财务策略 ...32
4.2.1 拓宽融资渠道......32
4.2.2 完善财务制度......32
4.2.3 广泛开展众筹......32
4.3 商家策略 ...33
4.3.1 为商家做好营销向导33
4.3.2 为商家创新砍价方案33
4.4 推广策略 ...34
4.4.1 成立电子户口,做好售后保障....34
4.4.2 全面覆盖线下,集中精力地推....34
4.5 技术支持策略 ...........35
4.5.1 外聘技术人才......35
4.5.2 拓展开发思路......35
第 5 章 结论与展望..36
5.1 结论 ...36
5.2 展望 ...36
参考文献 ..........38
致 谢.401
第 1 章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景及意义
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