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LG 地产公司在南昌县开发的 JY 国际项目,面临着复杂的经济、政策和社会环

LG 地产 JY 国际项目如何发挥优势,改进不足,采用合适的营销策略,将自身
本文在系统地总结国内外学者关于营销策略的研究进展情况的基础上,选取 LG
地产 JY 国际项目为案例分析对象,对其现有营销优势和问题进行了总结。其次,
本文对 LG 地产 JY 国际项目营销的政治环境、经济环境、社会文化环境、技术
环境、市场竞争者以及购买者需求进行了重点分析,再次,提出了基于 4P 营销
理论的 JY 国际项目营销的具体优化策略;在本文的最后一个章节中,着眼于资
金、组织与人力资源、制度三个角度,简要的分析了 LG 地产营销策略的保障措

At present, with the rapid development of China&39;s real estate industry, the influx of various
types of capital have into the real estate market, the overall supply is facing the reality of the
problem. In recent years, the consumption ability of Nanchang residents has been gradually
improved, and the purchasing power of residents has been increasing day by day. The new
requirements for the quality, service and supporting environment of the housing products have
been put forward. LG real estate group in Nanchang County, the development of JY international
projects, is facing a complex economic, policy and social environment, the survival of the real
estate market competition is also more complex. In the process of marketing, not only to adapt to
changes in consumer demand, buyers groups ability, such as intention at any time, but also to
strengthen the management of the property consultant sales ability, negotiation skills, preferential
strategies etc.
With the social economic development into the background of the critical period of transition,
facing the increasingly discerning buyers, LG real estate JY international project advantage, how
to improve the shortage, adopt appropriate marketing strategies, their products successfully sold,
is the main subject of this paper. The main research contents of this paper include: firstly, this
paper systematically summarizes the basic situation in the progress of study on the marketing
strategy of domestic and foreign scholars on the case of the selected LG real estate JY
international project, marketing of its existing marketing methods, advantages and problems are
summarized. Secondly, based on the LG real estate project marketing JY international political
environment, economic environment, social and cultural environment, technological environment,
market environment, market competition and buyers demand are analyzed and studied on the
market segmentation and positioning, target customer selection, put forward specific optimization
strategy of 4P marketing theory, JY international project marketing based on the LG; finally, the
safeguard measures of the real estate marketing strategy analysis from three aspects of capital,
human resources, organization and system.
Key words: Marketing Strategy; Optimization Design; Safeguard MeasuresIII
目 录
1 引言..1
1.1 研究背景与意义..........1
1.1.1 研究背景........1
1.1.2 研究目的........1
1.1.3 研究意义........2
1.2 国内外研究现状...........2
1.2.1 对营销策略的研究综述....... 3
1.2.2 对营销方法的研究综述....... 4
1.2.3 对营销策略分析模型的研究综述...5
1.2.4 对国内外研究现状的评述... 6
1.3 研究内容与研究方法...6
1.3.1 对 LG 地产营销现状与存在问题进行分析6
1.3.2 对 LG 地产营销环境进行了分析....7
1.3.3 提出了 JY 国际项目 4P 营销策略的优化措施...... 7
1.3.4 提出公司营销策略保障措施........... 8
2 LG 地产公司概况与营销策略.......9
2.1 公司介绍...........9
2.1.1 公司基本情况9
2.1.2 公司组织架构9
2.1.3 公司营销部门的组织架构. 10
2.2 公司营销策略现状分析.........11
2.2.1 公司品牌营销..........11
2.2.2 优秀地产项目的品质营销..11
2.2.3 JY 国际项目的品牌营销....11
3 消费者需求调查分析和 LG 地产营销中的问题分析....12
3.1 消费者需求调查分析.12
3.2 公司营销中的问题分析.........15
3.2.1 产品营销问题..........15
3.2.2 定价问题......15
3.2.3 渠道问题......16
3.2.4 促销问题......17
4 LG 地产营销策略的优化.19
4.1 公司宏观营销环境分析...........

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