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关键词:园林绿化;营销策略;微信营销- II -
In recent years,More and more people pay more attention to the quality of
life.Healthy, green, environmentally friendly new concept of home has penetrated into
the lives of every resident,So green home products came into being,Market demand is
also increasing.At the same time the expansion of the entire green home improvement
industry competition,Also shows a very broad market prospects.Zhang Bo landscaping
company Is a private enterprise.Not enough strength to compete with large
enterprises.Enterprises want to win in the fierce competition,Need to optimize
marketing strategies.
This paper is based on the detailed survey data based on the marketing
science.Carried on the thorough research and analysis on the company&39;s overall
environment, combining with the actual situation of company find out the advantages
and disadvantages, and research its opportunities and threats, found that the current
marketing model the problems and reasons.According to the data of the research, a
targeted solution is developed to indicate the direction of the company&39;s development.A
good brand image, expand consumer channels, innovative marketing mode, and
scientific enterprise management is to determine the premise of the small and
medium-sized enterprises to develop green products industry.
Key words: Landscaping; marketing strategy; WeChat marketing- III -
Abstract ...II
绪论.......... 1
一、研究背景........... 1
二、 研究目的和意义......... 3
(一)研究的目的........ 3
(二)研究的意义........ 3
三、国内外研究现状........... 4
(一)国外研究现状.... 4
(二)国内研究现状.... 5
四、主要内容和研究方法... 6
(一)研究内容及框架 6
(二)研究方法 7
第一章 相关理论基础.... 9
第一节 市场营销策略......... 9
一、市场营销策略的定义........ 9
二、市场营销组合策略 9
第二节 目标市场营销....... 10
第三节 微信营销... 12
一、微信.......... 12
二、微信营销.. 12
本章小结..... 14
第二章 张波园林绿化公司营销现状分析...... 15- IV -
第一节 张波园林绿化公司简介... 15
第二节 张波园林绿化公司营销策略现状、存在的问题及原因........... 15
一、张波园林绿化公司营销策略现状.......... 15
二、现行营销策略存在的主要问题及原因.. 17
本章小结..... 19
第三章 张波园林绿化公司营销策略优化的 SWOT 分析..... 20
第一节 优势分析... 20
一、企业成熟、资金充足...... 20
二、技术优势、产品过硬...... 20
三、利用网络、敢于创新...... 21
四、注重公益、口碑扎实...... 21
第二节 劣势分析... 22
一、品牌知名度低...... 22
二、管理方式落后...... 22
三、售后服务不足...... 23
第三节 机会分析... 23
一、市场需求迅速增长.......... 23
二、消费者变得更理智.......... 24
三、高铁开通成本降低.......... 24
第四节 威胁分析... 24
一、成本不断增加...... 24
二、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争加剧...... 24
三、自然条件威胁...... 25
四、山寨产品增多...... 25
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