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本文首先剖析 J 企业的发展历程,调查研究了民营培训企业知识型员工的需求
收入分配的公平原则。为促进 J 培训扩大企业规模,实现企业转型升级,从理论上
在减少 J 培训企业的教师资源流失,重视教师队伍的培养以稳固企业的内生资源,
关键词:培训公司 知识型员工 员工激励Abstract
Employee motivation mechanism is an important part of modern enterprise
management, motivating properly can boost employees work creatively and positively,
and encourage both sides will accomplish the common goal of the organization. In
Knowledge economy, knowledge-oriented talents are precious to enterprise, and core to
to competition in the market. Teachers are especially important to a training enterprise,
and is of vital importance to the sustainable development and survival of the enterprise.
Based on theories of motivating employees, we research on the proper motivating type
towards employees of non-public language training enterprise,in order to find the best
way to suit “J” training corporation for its long-term development, considering the traits
and current situation of small-scale non-public training enterprise.
We at first analyzed the development history of “J” corporation, and then the
demand of knowledge-oriented employees, and at last structure of human resources of a
non-public training corporation, to summarize the problems the incentive mechanism
may have to the corporation. Based upon comparative analysis and questionnaire survey,
we design a motivating project that provides both material and spiritual incentives to
employees,and moreover makes the plan human-orientated and takes the principle of
fairness into account. In order to promote the transformation and upgrading of “J”
corporation, and highlight the growing importance of endogenous competitiveness
instead of exogenous competitiveness. Change the corporation main objective to
improving the training quality endogenously from capturing market resources from
exogenous side, aiming at designing a brand-new incentive mechanism that reflects the
core value of a training enterprise and create a win-win outcome, to both the enterprise
and employees.
Meanwhile, improve and perfect the assessment system of employee performance,
we force on diminish the outflow of talent, especially teachers from “J” corporation, and
help them to attach importance to the stability of endogenous advantages, teachers, by
which the gains of enterprise’s endogenous competitiveness are rely on.
Key words: training enterprise, knowledge-oriented talent, motivation of employees目 录
第 1 章 引言..........1
1.1 选题背景及意义.....1
1.1.1 选题背景.......1
1.1.2 研究意义.......1
1.2 文献综述.....2
1.2.1 国外研究现状...........2
1.2.2 国内研究现状...........3
1.3 研究的思路、方法与内容.5
1.3.1 研究思路与方法.......5
1.3.2 研究内容.......5
第 2 章 相关理论基础........7
2.1 激励的内涵.7
2.1.1 基本概念.......7
2.1.2 激励的内涵...8
2.2 经典的激励理论.....9
2.2.1 过程型激励理论.......9
2.2.2 内容型激励理论.....10
2.2.3 行为修正型激励理论.........11
2.2.4 综合型激励理论.....12
2.3 培训企业成长的相关理论...........13
2.3.1 培训企业的特点.....13
2.3.2 培训企业内生性成长理论.13
第 3 章 J 公司员工激励现状分析...........15
3.1 J 公司的基本情况15
3.1.1 J 公司简介..15
3.1.2 J 公司组织与人力资源结构情况..16
3.1.3 公司的运营模式.....18
3.1.4 公司发展存在的问题........19
3.2 J 公司现行的员工激励方式........20
3.3 考核机制..213.4 J 公司员工激励机制调查研究....21
3.4.1 问卷调查的设计.....21
3.4.2 调查的方法.22
3.4.3 调查的结果.......
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