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本文首先介绍了采购管理方面的概述,以及 JIT 思想,理论及方法;着重介绍了 JIT
采购现状,特点,意义以及实施方法;结合 D 公司部分材料实施 JIT 采购过程中的实
然后结合相关理论对此部分问题进行分析,并对 D 公司 JIT 采购运作进行优化
关键词:采购 JIT 供应商开发
作 者:汪 灿
指导老师:陈 铭英文摘要 D 公司 JIT 采购管理现存问题及改进对策研究
Research on the Existing Problems of JIT Purchasing
Management in D Company and the Countermeasures
With the rapid development of modern economy, the industry becomes more and mor
e competitive than beofre .Easpecially for the modern manufacturing. The bonus is no long
er exist .if want to win from the fierce competition. We must operate with supply chian pro
curement management mode.As an important role of operation management. Enterprises h
adattached more important to the procurement management.also changed to buy from the d
emand of the rationality of procurement.Reasonable procurement management can effectiv
ely reduce the operation cost of the enterprise. To achieve the purpose of improving corpor
ate profits.by optimizing the procurement management process can improve the efficiency
of procurement and procurement management. Strengthen the enterprise supply chain as a
whole. In order to reduce the market price, to enhance the market competitiveness of enter
JIT purchasing is an advanced procurement mode, is a part of the Toyota Corporation
of Japan in the lean production system. Followed by more and more enterprises and applie
d them to production management.Due to the various aspects of the enterprise.There are sti
ll exist a lots of problems in the operation process.
Firstly, my essay had concluded about the procurement management, and JIT ideolog
y, theory and methods. Focuses on the JIT procurement present status, characteristics, signi
ficance and implementation method. Combined with the specific conditions of D company.
To reveal the problems in supplier selection and operation process in the implementation o
f JIT purchasing in D company, and then combined with the D company JIT purchasing op
eration optimization theory.
Last,maked the conclusion according to the actual operation situation, to points out s
ome of the achievements and deficiencies in the current research, and provides the directio
n for the follow-up work .
Key Words: Purchasing JIT Supplier development
Written by Wang Can
Supervised by ChenMing目 录
第 1 章 绪论 ··1
1.1 研究背景和意义··1
1.1.1 研究背景1
1.1.2 研究意义·2
1.2 国内外研究现状··3
1.2.1 国外相关研究现状3
1.2.2 国内相关研究现状 5
1.3 研究思路及方法··6
1.3.1 研究思路6
1.3.2 研究方法7
第 2 章 JIT 采购相关理论··8
2.1 供应链与供应链管理··8
2.1.1 供应链的概念8
2.1.2 供应链管理·10
2.2 JIT 生产方式的基本思想··10
2.3 JIT 采购概念与特征··11
2.3.1 JIT 采购的概念11
2.3.2JIT 采购的特点·11
2.3.3 JIT 采购的意义13
2.3.4 实施准时化采购的内外条件·15
第 3 章 D 公司及其 JIT 采购管理现状··20
3.1 D 公司的概况及其采购流程 20
3.1.1 D 公司简介··20
3.1.2 D 公司的采购组织机构与作用 ·21
3.1.3 D 公司的采购基本作业流程 ·21
3.1.4 D 公司的采购策略··24
3.2 D 公司 JIT 采购的物料种类及运行状况·243.2.1 D 公司实施 JIT 采购的物料种类 ··24
3.2.2 D 公司 JIT 采购运行状况 ··26
第 4 章 D 公司现行 JIT 采购存在的问题分析··29
4.1 D 公司供应商选择中存在的问题 29
4.1.1 采购组织的权力分散·29
4.1.2 缺乏合理的供应商评价体系·30
4.1.3 供应商更换频繁·32
4.2 D 公司 JIT 采购运行过程中存在的问题·32
4.2.1 缺乏合理的信息化系统·32
4.2.2 按需供货缺乏有效的监控·34
第 5 章 D 公司加强 JIT 采购管理的对策建议··35
5.1 改善供应商开发过程35
5.1.1 改进组织结构·35
5.1.2 建立完善的供应商评估系统·36
5.1.3 寻找符合 JIT 采购的战略供应商·39
5.2 JIT 运行过程的改进及优化··41
5.2.1 实现供应链信息共享·41
5.2.2 加强供应商的供货管理·43
第 6 章 结论与展望47
6.1 研究结论 47
6.2 不足之处与进一步展望47
就读 MBA 期间发表论文 ··51
致 谢··52D 公司 JIT 采购管理现存问题及改进对策研究 第 1 章 绪论第 1 章 绪论
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