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游社群中发放和回收到 431 份有效问卷。然后,借助 SPSS 20.0 统计软件,运
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Development of network technology makes a breakthrough of spatial and
temporal limitations and innovates the online travel community. Founding and
maintaining this social network is challenging for the community operators,but with
opportunities. On one hand,community members gathered with same interest in
travelling. They search needed information, share travelling experiences, develop
offline travel companions, etc. Once this social capital network is established, more
participants and loyalty will be made. It can promote the community in return and
provide opportunities for advertising and spreading tourism products from vendors
or agencies. On the other hand, lurking and free riding issues are increasingly
argued that affects the community cohesion and development. It is advantageous to
attract more participation and reduce social loafing in the online travel community.
Therefore, this thesis will research on social capital, community identification and
community participation convenience.
Based on the view of social capital, firstly, this thesis made a full literature
review and summary of the relationship between social capital and social loafing. In
the study, the model of elements led to social capital on social loafing in online
travel community was expanded by introducing relational dimension, structural
dimension and cognitive dimension from social capital, in which community
identification and participation convenience were proposed as moderates of the
relationship. Secondly, according to the theoretical model, the questionnaire was
designed and the model was tested with 431 valid data through online travel
communities with active members. After analyzing with SPSS 20.0, the proposed
model and relationships were tested by correlation analysis, multiple linear
regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis.
The empirical test results show that: (1) three dimensions of social capital have
impact on social loafing, including that virtuality has a significantly negative effect
on social loafing, while anonymity has a significantly positive effect on social
loafing in structural dimension of social capital; perceived trust and commitment
have significantly negative effects on social loafing in relational dimension of social
capital; task visibility and community norms have significantly negative effects on
social loafing in cognitive dimension of social capital; (2) social identification has
the impact on the relationship between social capital and social loafing, including
that social identification has significantly positive moderating effects on the
relationship between virtuality, anonymity and social loafing in structural dimension;哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
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has significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship between reciprocity,
commitment and social loafing in relational dimension; has significantly positive
moderating effects on the relationship between task visibility and social loafing in
cognitive dimension; (3) community participation convenience has the impact on the
relationship between social capital and social loafing, including that participation
convenience has significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship
between virtuality and social loafing, while has significantly negative moderating
effects on the relationship between anonymity and social loafing in structural
dimension; has significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship between
perceived trust, commitment and social loafing in relational dimension; has
significantly positive moderating effects on the relationship between task visibility
and social loafing in cognitive dimension.
According to hypothesis testing results, this paper tried to suggest for the
online travel community constructing and developing that: combining online with
offline community activities; establishing incentive mechanism and reciprocity
mechanism; being aware of community norms and shared language; constructing the
sub-community and precision marketing; optimizing the environment of online
community and operation.
Keywords: online travel community, social capital, social loafing, community
identification, community participation convenience哈尔滨工业大学管理学硕士学位论文
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目 录
摘要 ..I
第 1 章 绪 论 ...........1
1.1 研究背景及问题的提出 ..... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ....1
1.1.2 问题的提出 2
1.2 研究意义.... 4
1.2.1 理论意义 ....4
1.2.2 实践意义 ....5
1.3 研究现状及文献评述......... 5
1.3.1 在线社群研究现状 5
1.3.2 社会惰化研究现状 7
1.3.3 社会资本研究现状 ..........10
1.3.4 社群认同研究现状 ..........12
1.3.5 社群参与便捷性研究现状 ..........14
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