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关键词:品牌真实性 真实性 品牌认同 环保自我担当 品牌推崇III
In the environment with increasing homogenization of products and marketing
deluge, consumers are increasingly advocating actual individual consumption patterns,
they hope to find self-authenticity by purchasing the real brand. However, a number
of false authenticity brand decline in consumer perception of the brand of
authenticity. The popularity of buzz words such as I could drink fake wine, I could
see the fake Terra-Cotta Warriors” is the portrayal of the questioned the authenticity
of products or brands. Consumers began to pay attention to brand’s true or false”.
From existing literature, the studies of brand authenticity focus on the concept,
measurement, qualitative and the forming mechanism, outcome variables study is
insufficient. Hence, it’s meaningful to understand how consumers choose the real
green brands in the catering market, recognize consumers’ criteria for brand
authenticity and other considered external factors in choosing Green brands. At the
same time, management practitioners look upon Brand Authenticity as the key factor
of competitive advantage of enterprises and a panacea of brand development.
Based on the previous research, the scope of this paper is Green Brand of
domestic catering, a model of interaction of Brand authenticity, Brand Evangelism,
Brand Identity, and Environmental Protection Self-accountability is presented. The
results show: First, Brand Authenticity (three dimensions of Brand
Authenticity—Continuity, Originality and Naturalness) has a positive effect on Brand
Evangelism, Reliability has always been no significant. Second, the Brand Identity
plays a significant intermediary role in the impact of Continuity, Originality and
Naturalness to Brand Evangelism. Third, Environmental Protection
Self-accountability only has an adjustment function in the process of Continuity,
Naturalness and Brand Evangelism. These conclusions are helpful to understand the
influence of Green Brand Authenticity mechanism, expanding to catering green brand
field. For enterprises who want to create Green brands in domestic catering, constant
pursuit of quality, creativity, self-unique style, only sticking to natural health green,
not to deceive consumers, credit management can improve the consumer perception
of brand authenticity and brand recognition, and build sustainable competitive
advantage of green brand.IV
Key words: Brand authenticity Authenticity Brand identity
Environmental Protection Self-accountability Brand Evangelism目 录
第 1 章 绪论.....1
1.1 研究背景 .1
1.2 研究意义 .2
1.2.1 理论意义 ......2
1.2.2 现实意义 ......3
1.3 研究目标及方法.4
1.3.1 研究目标 ......4
1.3.2 研究方法 ......4
1.4 研究内容及技术路线.....5
1.4.1 研究内容 ......5
1.4.2 技术路线 ......6
1.5 研究创新点 .........7
1.5.1 拓展了品牌真实性和品牌认同理论模型 ..7
1.5.2 提出消费者心理特质环保自我担当在模型中的调节作用 ..........7
第 2 章 相关理论基础及文献综述...9
2.1 品牌真实性的研究 .........9
2.1.1 真实性研究流派 ......9
2.1.2 品牌真实性的概念 ........... 10
2.1.3 品牌真实性的分类测量 ... 11
2.1.4 品牌真实性理论 ... 14
2.2 品牌推崇的研究 .......... 18
2.2.1 品牌推崇的概念 ... 18
2.2.2 品牌推崇的影响因素研究 ........... 19
2.3 品牌认同的研究 ...........20
2.3.1 品牌认同概念及维度 ........20
2.3.2 品牌认同理论 ....... 21
2.4 环保自我担当的研究 .. 22
第 3 章 理论模型及研究假设.........25VI
3.1 理论模型的构建..........25
3.2 研究假设的提出..........26
3.2.1 品牌真实性对品牌推崇的影响 ....26
3.2.2 品牌认同在品牌真实性与品牌推崇间的中介作用 ........27
3.2.3 环保自我担当在品牌真实性与品牌推崇间的调节作用 ........... 28
第 4 章 研究设计.....31
4.1 问卷设计概述.. 31
4.2 问卷变量的测量 .......... 34
4.2.1 品牌真实性的测量 ........... 34
4.2.2 品牌推崇的测量 ...........
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