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体外诊断,即 IVD(In Vitro Diagnosis),是指在人体之外,通过对人体样

从全球市场来看,目前发达国家成熟市场的 IVD 已经进入一个相对稳
定阶段,欧美等发达国家在未来的增速保持在 5%-6%左右,增速明显放缓,
日本 IVD 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的增速仅保持在 2%。国内体外诊断(IVD)发展起步较晚,
1985 年才研制了我国第一批国产生化诊断试剂。但 IVD 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司受益于中国整
几年时间里将会保持 15%-20%的增速增加


论文接下来对经营体外诊断产品的 M 公司进行介绍

M 公司一直以来专注于体外诊断产品的研究、生产、销售和服务。M 公
司是经国家相关部门认证的“高新技术企业”,先后通过了 CMD ISO13485、
CQC ISO14001、TUV ISO13485 认证和部分产品 CE 认证,并于 2013 年获
得 CNAS 医学参考实验室认可。该公司是集合体外诊断研发团队、生产、销
光免疫、快速诊断、血栓与止血、分子诊断的产品技术开发平台。M 公司产品布局分析及竞争策略研究该公司拥有国际一流的产品生产条件及较高的生产管理水平,能向市场
为产品经销商及终端客户提供完善的专业化服务。本人作为 M 公司员工,
结合自己的工作经验与在校所学,对 M 公司的产品布局进行初步研究探讨

本文的核心部分是运用市场营销发展战略理论和 STP 理论,对 M 公司
进行 SWOT 分析。提出了 M 公司得战略发展方向及调整策略明确 M 公司需
要强大的多布局产品线支撑,深度开发 POCT 市场。进而细化对 M 公司产
品政策、销售(特别强调 M 公司应凭借特有的 POCT 优势快速占领细分市
场,进行 POCT 产品规划实施与评估)的建议

关键词:体外诊断(IVD) 产品规划 M 公司 POCTAbstractAbstract
This thesis analyzes the basic circumstance of in-vitro-diagnostic industry in
China, including the Immunoassay, Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation, hematology ,
POCT and Molecular diagnosis. Because of the development of the layout, many
companies have to face the increased weakness. It has analyzed the effect on the
diagnostic products of macro-environment, especially emphasized the impact on
the in-vitro-diagnostic industry of the social, economic, technical, political factors.
It is easier to realize how to do a better planning and analysis from the increasingly
brutal market by analyzing of the domestic and foreign companies, M is one of the
IVD companies, which is located in the Southwest China. The company&39;s main
business is across the board IVD products.
M is a hi-tech enterprise certified by relevant departments. M has past the
CMD ISO13485, CQC ISO14001, TUV ISO13485 as well as CE Certification of
some products, and obtained the CNAS Medical Reference Laboratory
M is an IVD integration company of research & development, production,
sales and services, and has the best research & development team around the world
which is led by several scientists. What’s more, it has established five product and
technology development platforms which cover clinical biochemistry,
chemiluminescent immunoassay, rapid diagnosis, thrombosis, hemostasis, and
molecular diagnosis. M possesses world-class production conditions and
production management level, and can provide the market with hundreds of
high-quality products which cover clinical chemistry, immunoassay, rapid
diagnosis, thrombosis, hemostasis, and other professional projects. Also, it has
extensive experience in marketing management and channel management
capabilities and can provide dealers and terminal clients with comprehensive as
well as professional services.Research on Product Strategic Management of M CompanyThen, the external environment of the enterprise was scanned to obtain the
external opportunities and threats, which include politics, economics, sociality,
science and technology, industry competition. For internal environment, the paper
analyzes in terms of human resources, financial analysis, research and
development capabilities, marketing capabilities, manufacturing capacity etc..It is
very important for M company to adjust existent strategies to adapt to new
environment. For this purpose, the paper analyzes the IVD industry and M
company deeply and carries out the strategies by many analysis. Obtaining
external equity investment, it quickly enters the POCT field of in vitro diagnostic
products. What’s more, this paper further analyzes the POCT market strategy and
market orientation of M company.
Keywords: IVD;Product Strategic Management; POCT;M Company目 录目 录
1 绪论 .....1
1.1 目前体外诊断企业面临的问题 .........1
1.1.1 国内体外诊断企业产品布局亟待分析 ..1
1.1.2 老牌国内公司增长乏力 ..2
1.2 研究体外诊断产品布局的意义.........3
1.2.1 推动体外诊断企业产品平台体系建设 ..3
1.2.2 有效实现体外诊断企业产品沉淀 .........4
1.3 研究体外诊断产品布局研究思路.....4
1.4 研究体外诊断产品布局研究方法.....4
1.5 创新点与不足 .4
2 分析体外诊断产品布局相关文献综述 ...........6
2.1 体外诊断(IVD)产品平台分类 .......7
2.1.1 生化平台...7
2.1.2 免疫平台..8
2.1.3 血液平台...9
2.1.4 分子诊断平台.....12
2.1.5 微生物平台.........14
2.1.6 POCT 平台 ...........15
2.2 体外诊断欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司终端现状 .......16
2.2.1 国外体外诊断欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司终端现状 ....16
2.2.2 国内体外诊断欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状 17
2.2.3 国内体外诊断欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展趋势 ...18M 公司产品布局分析及竞争策略研究2.3 体外诊断(IVD)产品平台布局规划的重要性和必要性.19
2.4 产品布局理论 ...........19
2.5 产品布局规划的模式特点...20
2.6 布局规划的基本构建方法、流程...20
2.7 产品布局实施与阶段评价...21
3 国内外体外诊断公司产品规划布局分析......23
3.1 国外体外诊断(IVD)公司产品规划布局分析 .....23
3.1.1 罗氏诊断(世界排名第一的诊断企业).......23
3.1.2 西门子诊断.........24
3.1.3 希森美康医疗....25

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