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关键词:工作、非工作角色 角色整合 主观幸福感 工作满意度III
With the rapid development of modern technology and mobile communication
equipment, its proportion in people&39;s work and life is growing. Using these
technologies, employees and their family members can communicate with each other
nearly anywhere and anytime. Moreover, flexible work arrangements under which
employees can complete some work tasks from home are increasingly prevalent. As a
result, the boundary between time (or place) designated for work and time (or place)
designated for non-work is more fuzzy, increasing the likelihood of “work-family
spillover.” A key issue in the theoretical study of work and non-working boundaries
is the impact of the integration of the two roles. The role of work-non-work
integration will affect the level of employees&39; job satisfaction, job satisfaction as a
measure of employee work well-being in the well-being, which will further affect the
employee&39;s sense of life well-being and subjective well-being. At present, China&39;s
academic research on the work-non-working role penetration and integration is still in
its infancy. There is still a disagreement on the relationship between work-non-work
role integration, job satisfaction and subjective well-being. In this study, job
satisfaction as a mediator variable, using the statistical methods of exploratory factor
analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model etc. analysis of 421
document survey sample data. To analysis the relationship between work-non-work
roles integration, job satisfaction and subjective well-being, the mediating effect of
job satisfaction between roles integration and subjective well-being. Concluded as
1. The result of Independent sample T-test and ANOVA analysis shows that the
different marital status and fertility status have significant differences on work
integrate to non-work role and non-work integrate to work role. Different fertility
status, positions have significant differences on job satisfaction. Different marital
status and positions have significant differences on subjective well-being.
2. The three dimensions relationship between work-non-work role integration.
Job satisfaction and subjective well-being, work-non-work roles integration has a
negative impact on job satisfaction; work-non-work roles integration has a negativeIV
impact on subjective well-being; job satisfaction has a positive predictive effect on
subjective well - being.
3. The mediating role of Job satisfaction between the work-non-work roles
integration and subjective well-being. Job satisfaction has a positive impact on
subjective well-being. In addition to both the work role integrate to the non-work role
and non-work role integrate to the work role have a directly affect on subjective
well-being, there is the indirect effect of the intermediary effect of job satisfaction. In
other words, work-non-work roles integration not only has direct impacts on SWB,
also has indirect effect on SWB through the mediating effect of job satisfaction. But
the effects are much larger than the mediating effect of job satisfaction.
Key words: work-non-work role role integration subjective well-being
job satisfactionV
第 1 章 绪论 ........1
1.1 选题背景....1
1.1.1 理论背景 ..........1
1.1.2 实践背景...........1
1.2 选题意义....2
1.2.1 理论意义 ..........2
1.2.2 实践意义 ..........2
1.3 研究主要内容3
1.4 研究方法与技术路线图....3
1.4.1 研究方法 ..........3
1.4.2 技术路线图 ........5
第 2 章 文献综述 ....7
2.1 工作—非工作角色整合及影响因素研究..7
2.1.1 工作和非工作角色界定 ..........7
2.1.2 工作—非工作角色边界 ..........7
2.1.3 工作、非工作角色整合 .........11
2.2 工作满意度.12
2.2.1 工作满意度定义 ...12
2.2.2 工作满意度影响因素 ...........13
2.2.3 工作满意度测量 ...13
2.3 主观幸福感.14
2.3.1 主观幸福感的概念 .14
2.3.2 主观幸福感的结构 .15
2.3.3 主观幸福感的测评量表 .........15
2.3.4 主观幸福感主要影响因素 .......16
2.4 工作-非工作角色整合、工作满意度和主观幸福感相关研究........1
82.4.1 工作-非工作角色整合与工作满意度之间关系研究 ..........1
82.4.2 工作—非工作角色整合与个体主观幸福感的关系研究 .......18VI
2.4.3 工作满意度与主观幸福感之间关系研究 .......19
2.4.4 工作—非工作角色整合与工作满意度和主观幸福感之间的关系20
2.5 小结.......21
第 3 章 研究假设与模型构建 .....23
3.1 研究假设...23
3.1.1 工作—非工作角色整合对工作满意度 .........23
3.1.2 工作—非工作角色整合对主观幸福感影响假设 .24
3.1.3 工作满意度和主观幸福感 .......25
3.1.4 工作满意度的中介作用 .........25
3.2 理论模型构建...........26
3.3 小结.......27
第 4 章 研究设计 ...29
4.1 研究变量的问卷设计 .....29
4.1.1 工作和非工作角色整合度量表 ...29
4.1.2 工作满意度量表....30
4.1.3 主观幸福感量表 ...31
4.2 数据收集与统计分析方法 .31
4.3 小样本预调研分析 .......32
4.3.1 小样本调研基本情况 ...........32
4.3.2 小样本预调研信度分析 .........33
4.3.3 小样本预调研的效度分析 .......35
4.4 正式问卷的形成.........39
4.5 小结.......39
第 5 章 数据分析 ...41
5.1 样本与数据概况.........41
5.1.1 样本基本情况描述 .41
5.1.2 样本数据正态性检验 ...........43
5.1.3 共同方法变异分析 .44
5.2 信度和效度分析.....
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