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的青睐对象、企业发展的关键人才。H 公司作为资深的中小型互联网民营企业,从事互联
网技术业务超过 10 年,其研发部是企业的核心部门,主导企业业务发展的命脉;而基层
本文分案例正文和案例分析两部分:(1)案例正文描述 H 公司当前实施的激励方案缺
员对现行激励方案的评价,对现行激励方案进行问题诊断。本文根据 H 公司基层研发人员
分析和 ERG 需求理论对基层研发人员的激励需求划分为需求维度,以时机、频率、程度
关键词:激励,研发人员,ERG 理论暨南大学 MBA 学位论文:《案例》:H 公司——基层研发人员激励方案构建研究
With the "Internet +" action plan proposed, R&D staff with R&D technology becomes the
favorite object of small and medium Internet enterprises and the key talent of the enterprises
development. H Company is a senior small and medium Internet private enterprise, engaged in
Internet technology business for more than 10 years, the R&D department as the core of the
enterprise, leads business development lifeline; and non-management R&D staff is the main
force of the R&D department, carrying business heavy responsibility. Therefore, how to
encourage non-management R&D staff becomes an important topic. Through the needs survey
of non-management R&D staff, this paper further analyzes the incentive needs of
non-management R&D staff to build corresponding incentive scheme.
This paper is divided into two parts of case text and analysis: (1) the case text describes H
Company&39;s current implementation of the incentive scheme lack of incentive, the new incentive
measures failed to combine the actual needs of non-management R&D staff and led to
implementation failure, from this led to business think deeply about how to meet the needs of
non-management R&D staff, how to rationally build the incentive scheme in line with the
characteristics of enterprises. (2) Through the internal and external environment of enterprise, the
characteristics of non-management R&D staff, the case analysis uses interviewing method to
understand the evaluation of non-management R&D staff for the current incentive scheme,
diagnoses the problem for the current incentive scheme. Based on the characteristics of
non-management R&D staff of H Company, this paper extracts the importance and urgency of
non-management R&D staff for the incentive needs by the questionnaire method, uses factor
analysis and ERG needs theory to divide the incentive needs of non-management R&D staff into
the need dimension, takes opportunity, frequency, degree and other incentive elements as a
primary point of view, to build a set of incentive scheme conforming to the characteristics of
non-management R&D staff and to be implemented.
Key Words: Incentive, R&D staff, ERG theory暨南大学 MBA 学位论文:《案例》:H 公司——基层研发人员激励方案构建研究
摘要........................................................... I
ABSTRACT ...................................................... II
目录......................................................... III
图表目录...................................................... VI
第一部分案例正文 ............................................... 1
引子........................................................ 1
H 公司基本背景总括........................................... 2
H 公司发展历程 ...................................................... 2
H 公司组织架构 ...................................................... 2
H 公司的财务状况 .................................................... 3
H 公司员工概况 ...................................................... 4
H 公司研发部背景总括 ......................................... 5
H 公司研发部发展历程 ................................................ 5
H 公司研发部职能 .................................................... 6
H 公司研发部员工概况 ................................................ 8
H 公司研发部门基层研发人员的激励措施概述 .................... 11
薪酬激励 .......................................................... 11
福利补贴 .......................................................... 13
文化激励 .......................................................... 13
技能措施 .......................................................... 14
问题提出 ................................................... 15
第二部分案例分析 .............................................. 16
1 绪论 ........................................................ 16
1.1 研究目的.......................................................... 16
1.2 研究意义.......................................................... 16
1.3 研究方法.......................................................... 17
1.4 研究内容与框架 .................................................... 17
2 理论综述 .................................................... 20
2.1 激励的文献综述 .................................................... 20
2.1.1 激励综述 .................................................... 20
2.1.2 激励理论文献综述 ............................................ 20暨南大学 MBA 学位论文:《案例》:H 公司——基层研发人员激励方案构建研究
2.1.3 激励要素文献综述 ............................................ 22
2.2 人员特征方面的激励研究综述 ........................................ 23
2.2.1 知识型员工的激励研究 ........................................ 23
2.2.2 年轻员工的激励研究 .......................................... 24
3 H 公司案例问题分析........................................... 26
3.1 H 公司企业状况分析 ................................................ 26
3.1.1 企业外部环境分析 ............................................ 26
3.1.2 企业内部环境分析 ............................................ 27
3.2 基层研发人员特点分析 .............................................. 28
3.2.1 基层研发人员定义 ............................................ 28
3.2.2 基层研发人员特点分析 ........................................ 28
3.3 H 公司研发部门现行激励方案分析与诊断............................... 29
3.3.1 现行激励方案存在问题访谈..................................... 29
3.3.2 H 公司激励方案问题诊断 ....................................... 32
3.4 H 公司基层研发人员激励方案构建优化的必要性 ......................... 34
4 H 公司基层研发人员激励构建设计 ............................... 36
4.1 激励方案的基本原则和思路 .......................................... 36
4.1.1 激励方案的基本原则 .......................................... 36
4.1.2 激励方案的构建思路 .......................................... 36
4.2 明确激励目标 ...................................................... 37
4.3 确定 H 公司基层研发人员需求 ........................................ 39
4.3.1 研究目的与步骤 .............................................. 39
4.3.2 问卷调查设计依据及基本情况................................... 40
4.3.3 问卷因子分析 ................................................ 40
4.3.4 因子分析结果 ................................................ 44
4.3.5 问卷调查结果 ................................................ 44
4.3.6 问卷调查小结 ................................................ 46
4.4 H 公司基层研发人员激励方式与激励物的确定........................... 47
4.4.1 生存需求的激励方式

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