人民群众生活必需品,与水、电一样须臾不可缺少,据统计 2016 年甘肃省食盐
消费量达到 12 万吨。新中国成立后食盐实行计划管理,1995 年 5 月 18 日起食
盐实行专营管理。虽然 20 多年的食盐专营体制发挥了积极作用,但也显示出其
《国务院关于印发盐业体制改革方案的通知》于 2016 年 5 月 5 日发布
意味着拉开了盐业体制改革的大幕。2017 年 1 月 1 日,方案正式实施,改革方
法的基础上;首先分析了中盐甘肃公司市场营销存在的问题;其次运用 PEST 分
SWOT 战略分析矩阵,得出了企业的竞争优势大于竞争劣势,机会大于威胁;再
次运用 STP 理论分析了细分市场、目标市场、市场定位,为营销战略制定和选择
希望本文的研究结论能为中盐甘肃公司的转型发展、开拓市场、提高企业竞MBA 学位论文 作者:张宏伟 中盐甘肃公司营销战略研究
关键词:食盐;中盐甘肃;目标市场战略;4P 营销组合策略MBA 学位论文 作者:张宏伟 中盐甘肃公司营销战略研究
Salt, one of Source of Life in all ages is the essential component element of the
life and is the necessities of life, which is indispensable like water and electricity.
According to the statistics, in 2016 salt consumption quantity in Gansu Province is
0.12 million tons. Since the founding of People’s Republic of China salt has carried
out plan management.
Since May 18
1995, salt carried out monopoly management. Although the
monopoly system of more than 20 years played a positive role, it still showed its
defect. There are mainly three points. Firstly, apply the method of dividing the area
to manage separately to isolate the market, which leads to the single price. Secondly,
the long-term monopoly management results in the lack of marketing awareness to
form the dense planning color. Finally, production is divorced from sales, there is no
direct connection between production companies and market, which leads to some
problems like the weak competition ability of the whole salt field, badly resource
waste, etc.
China Salt Gansu Branch is a state-owned company of Gansu Province salt
monopoly sales. The status of long-term monopoly management is that product
structure is simple, the price is decided by government, sales channel is fixed, sales
promotion is not obvious, the relationship with consumers is far, the brand influence
power is weak, which forms prominent exclusive seller market.
The Notice on Salt Field System Reform Scheme from State Council is
published on 5
of May 2016, which means to open the act curtain of salt field
system reform. On 1st of January 2017, the plan is formally implemented. The
essence of reform plan is marked-oriented reform, of which the main contents are
that firstly, permit salt fixed production company to come into wholesale process.
Secondly, cancel the sales territorial limitation of salt wholesale, permit the
trans-region sales. Thirdly release salt manufacturing price, wholesale price and
retail price. Fourthly, build the dual storage system in government and company. The
implement of these reform measures gives great influence to China Salt Gansu
Branch. Face the risk of losing market, opportunities and challenges coexist. The
company status is changing from the past shopkeeper business changing into
participating in market competition and from the past monopoly business changingMBA 学位论文 作者:张宏伟 中盐甘肃公司营销战略研究
into competitive business. After the reform how the company keeps the competitive
advantage continuously, how the company keeps the high market sharing is a key
problem quite worth to do some research. It is quite urgent and important to make
the marketing strategy to fit marketization condition. Gansu Branch regarded as the
object of study, on the basis of looking back the modern marketing relative theories
and analysis methods, firstly make analysis on the marketing problems of China Salt
Gansu Branch, then apply PEST method to analyze macro environment, apply Port
Five Force model to analyze industry competition status, combine SWOT analyze
company strength, weakness, opportunity and threat, afterwards, apply STP theory to
analyze segment market, target market, market positioning, which make massy basis
for formulating and choosing sales strategy. Finally, attempt to raise new product
strategies, price strategies, channel strategies, and raise supporting measures for
implementing sales strategies from three aspects of optimizing company ’s
organizational structure, strengthening the culture function, accelerate the
construction of specialized marketing team.
Hope the research result of this thesis could bring some help or guidance for the
transformation development of China Salt Gansu Branch, expanding market and
enhancing company competition ability, supply better salt product and service for
consumers and supply marketing experience for other salt whole sale companies.
Key words:Salt; China Salt Gansu Branch; STP strategy;4P marketing mix
strategyMBA 学位论文 作者:张宏伟 中盐甘肃公司营销战略研究
中文摘要 ................................................I
ABSTRACT .............................................. III
一、绪论 ................................................1
(一)研究背景与研究意义 ........................................1
(二)研究内容与研究方法 ........................................3
(三)研究思路与技术路线 ........................................5
(四)相关概念与理论综述 ........................................6
(五)本文的创新之处 ...........................................23
二、中盐甘肃公司市场营销现状与问题分析 ..................24
(一)公司简介 .................................................24
(二)中盐甘肃公司市场营销现状 .................................24
(三)中盐甘肃公司市场营销问题诊断与分析 .......................29
(一)外部环境分析 .............................................32
(二)内部环境分析 .............................................44
(三)营销战略 SWOT 分析 ........................................47
(一)营销战略指导思想与原则 ...................................50
(二)市场研究与市场细分 .......................................51
(三)目标市场评估与选择 .......................................56
(四)市场定位与差异化竞争优势 ....