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图 12 幅;表 25 个;参 52 篇。
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Based on the Behavioral Economics and Enterprise&39;s Competitiveness theories, this
paper studies how Iron and Steel Enterprise changing its operational behavior to enhance
competitiveness under current marketing environment, energy-saving and emission-
reducing policies and capacity compression policy. Decision-making, Technical
Transformation, Management Promotion, Energy Saving and Environment Protection are
introduced to reveal how and in what degree these four latent variables affect operation
behaviors and competitiveness of iron and steel enterprise, and how these variables are
affected by marketing and policy environments. By document retrieval and expert
interviews, this paper established a structural equation model (SEM) to describe the
relations between environmental variables and operational variables. After empirical
study based on a questionnaire among iron and steel enterprises, market adjustment and
government intervention theories are used to explain model result. In the end,
countermeasures and suggestions are given.
The results show that for the iron and steel enterprises, the policy changes have
obvious impact on the market environment; the market environment changes have a
direct impact on the production decision-making and management improvement; the
changes of environment protection have slight influence on technical transformation,
energy saving and environmental protection; management improvement have a higher
impact on production decision-making and energy-saving environmental protection;
policy environment more indirectly impact business behavior through the role of market;
in the existing circumstances, business behavior changes have no significant impact on
competitiveness. The empirical results show that: management promotion is the basis for
the iron and steel enterprises to cope with the external environment changes. Improve
technical level, optimize product structure, extend industry chain are effective means to
deal with external environmental changes. Going green, environmental protection ideas
have been generally accepted by iron and steel enterprises. Since regulation and control
policies indirectly affect iron and steel enterprises through marketing, the government
should take more advantage of market leverage in policy making.
The results of this study, on one hand, can help iron and steel enterprises have a
better respond to the changes of market and policy environment, achieve the goal of
environmental protection and healthy development, on the other hand, it can also provide
a reference to government regulation and control policies.
Figure12; Table25; Reference 52
Keywords: Steel regulation and control; Policy; Environment; Structural equation model;
Management behavior
Chinese books catalog: F279.23目 次
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目 次
引 言1
第 1 章 绪论......2
1.1 研究背景..........2
1.1.1 钢铁欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司调控历史及效果........2
1.1.2 节能减排政策的提出对钢铁欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的影响........5
1.1.3 产能压缩政策的提出及对钢铁企业的影响....5
1.2 研究目的及意义..........6
1.2.1 研究目的6
1.2.2 研究意义6
1.3 国内外研究现状..........7
1.3.1 节能减排政策对钢铁企业影响研究综述........7
1.3.2 产能压缩政策对钢铁企业影响研究综述........7
1.4 研究内容、方法及创新点......8
1.4.1 研究内容8
1.4.2 研究方法.9
1.4.3 主要创新点........9
第 2 章 理论基础........11
2.1 行为经济学理论........11
2.2 企业竞争力理论........12
2.3 市场调节和政府干预理论....14
2.4 企业经营行为16
第 3 章 问卷设计及数据分析18
3.1 量表构建及问卷设计18
3.2 数据的收集与描述统计分析20
3.2.1 数据的收集......20
3.2.2 描述统计分析..21
3.3 指标筛选........24
3.4 数据有效性检验........26华北理工大学硕士学位论文
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3.4.1 信度检验..........26
3.4.2 效度检验..........27
第 4 章 政策对钢铁企业经营行为影响的实证研究28
4.1 结构方程模型的构建及研究假设...
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