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员对科研人员激励体系的研究现状。在经典激励理论的指导下,分析了 H 省气象局
科研人员的行为特征和需求,介绍了 H 省气象局科研人员概况和目前的激励现状,
采用了调查问卷的方法,根据调查结果指出了 H 省气象局目前在激励体系方面存在
H 省气象局是科研事业单位,科研人员是保证单位发展的核心力量。虽然该单位
生涯管理不合理,针对存在的主要问题进行了详细的阐述。根据 H 省气象局和科研
本文依据对 H 省气象局科研人员的调查分析,针对目前在单位激励体系中存在
研人员从事气象科学技术研究,提高科研人员的积极性,为 H 省气象科技创新能力
的提升做出一定的贡献。由于其它科研事业单位在管理上同 H 省气象局类似,因此
关 键 词:科研人员, 激励, 分析ABSTRACT
H Provincial Meteorological Bureau is a scientific research institution. With the rapid
development of meteorology operation recent years, the importance of meteorological
science and technology is increasingly highlighted. As the core personnel of H Provincial
Meteorological Bureau, the researchers engage in research and development of
meteorological science and technology. The management of researchers is becoming more
and more important. If we could mobilize the enthusiasm of the researchers by setting up
an incentive system suitable to the corporate development, it would effectively affect the
long-term development of H Provincial meteorological work.
Through literature study, survey research and system analysis, this paper discusses the
status analysis of the scientific researcher&39;s incentive system. Under the guidance of
classical motivation theory, this paper analyzes the researchers’ behavior characteristics
and their needs. Furthermore, this paper introduce the actuality of H Provincial
Meteorological Bureau and its current incentive status. According to the results of the
survey, this paper tends to point out the main problems existing in the incentive system of
the H Provincial Meteorological Bureau, thereby putting forward specific incentive scheme
based on the actual situation of the corporation.
All along, the H Provincial Meteorological Bureau emphasizes the significant status of the
scientific researchers. Moreover, the Bureau has developed a series of incentives to
influence employee motivation. However, the survey results shows that there are still two
problems about the researchers’ motivation: the reward system imperfect and career
management not reasonable, and the main problems are discussed in detail. In the light of
the actual situation of H Meteorological Bureau and scientific researchers, this paper tends
to design a reasonable incentive scheme. On the one hand, it is necessary to establish a
reasonable salary and welfare system the wage structure, which including but not limited to
consummating performance evaluation system, expanding the scope of scientific research
awards, and perfecting welfare system and so forth. On the other hand, it is necessary to
improve the career management of scientific research personnel, by career designing,
reform of professional evaluation rules and publicizing standard employing system.西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文
On the basis of investigation and analysis, concentrating on the main problems existing in
the corporate incentive system, this paper would design a scientific incentive scheme. This
paper would be expect that the incentive scheme could be used to encourage to engage
meteorological science and technology research, so that to promote certain contributions of
meteorological innovation in H Province. In addition, due to the similarity with other
research institutions, the incentive scheme designed in this paper to some extent could
provide reference value for other similar corporations in the motivation of researchers.
Keywords: Scientific research personnel,Incentive,Analysis插图索引
图 2.1 需要层次理论.......7
图 2.2 双因素理论与需要层次理论的比较.......9
图 3.1 H 省气象局科研人员年龄结构对比图.14
图 3.2 H 省气象局科研人员学历结构对比图.15
图 3.3 H 省气象局科研人员职称结构对比图.15
图 3.4 岗位薪酬差别问卷调查分析.....25
图 3.5 绩效系数的制定问卷调查分析.26
图 3.6 薪酬的公平性问卷调查分析.....26
图 3.7 工作积极程度明显影响薪酬问卷调查分析.....27
图 3.8 夜班和加班费补贴标准问卷调查分析.28
图 3.9 科研成果奖励范围问卷调查分析.........28
图 3.10 福利制度问卷调查分析.29
图 3.11 职业生涯规划问卷调查分析.....30
图 3.12 职称评审的合理性问卷调查分析.........30
图 3.13 岗位聘任制度的规范性问卷调查分析.31表格索引
表 3.1 H 省气象局科研人员工资水平...19
表 3.2 H 省气象局科研人员夜班及加班费补贴...........20
表 3.3 H 省气象局科研人员薪酬福利和职业生涯发展要素调查表...23
表 3.4 H 省气象局科研人员调查样本的基本情况.......24
表 4.1 岗位工资调整一览表.......37
表 4.2 绩效系数增加和扣除一览表.......38目录
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