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本文在梳理相关理论知识基础上,结合 A 企业的具体情况,分析其在财务管
使得财务管理本身不受重视。并针对存在的问题剖析了 A 企业出现这些问题的原
针对 A 企业存在的财务管理问题,本文结合实际情况,分别给出相关的对策
关键词:财务管理;中小型企业;融资;模式- II -
With the continuous development of our economy, the status of small and
medium-sized enterprises has become more and more important, and has become the
main force of our economy. But in the process of development, the enterprises
controlled by internal and external all sorts of reasons, including the content of financial
management is a can not be ignored, under these constraints, small and medium-sized
enterprise is unable to give full play to the advantages of financial management, make
their own ability to resist risk weak, so as to make the enterprise development is
relatively slow, and even shorten the life of the enterprise. So, analyzes our country
small and medium-sized enterprise financial management status, find out the cause of
the problems, and presents relative improvement measures due to is very necessary.
Based on the theory knowledge, this paper analyzes some problems in financial
management, combining with the specific situation of company A, analyzes the some
problems in financial management, enterprise financing difficulty;The lack of system of
financial management concept;Lack of financial management system;Financial
management is not valued in the management.Aimed at the problems existing in the
analysis of the causes of these problems A company are: financing environment is poor,
less working capital;The old management mode, management idea;Financial control is
weak, lack of scientific nature;Investment ability is weak, investment efficiency is low.
In view of the financial management problems of A company, this paper combined
with the actual situation, relevant countermeasures and Suggestions are given
respectively.First, strengthen capital management, need to continue to broaden the
financing channels;Second, effectively scientific investment, to ensure that the
investment risk to a minimum;Third, to strengthen the internal control, strengthen the
system construction;Fourth, improve the level of investment, increase the return on
investment;Fifth, strengthen staff quality, and gradually standardize the financial
This paper hope through the analysis of A company&39;s financial management
problems, to provide reference for small and medium-sized company financial
management, thus promote the overall development of economy in our country.
Key word:Financial Management; Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises; Problem;
Countermeasures- III -
绪论.......... 1
一、研究背景与研究目的和意义.. 1
(一)选题的背景...... 1
(二)研究的目的和意义...... 1
二、国内外研究现状.......... 2
(一)国内研究现状.. 2
(二)国外研究现状.. 4
三、主要研究内容方法与论文结构.......... 7
(一)研究内容.......... 7
(二)研究方法.......... 7
第一章 中小型企业的财务管理概述与理论基础........ 9
第一节 中小型企业的财务管理概念与特点........ 9
一、中小型企业的财务管理的概念.. 9
二、中小型企业的财务管理的特点 10
第二节 中小型企业的财务管理理论基础...........11
二、中小型企业的财务管理结构理论........ 15
三、中小型企业的财务管理相关理论........ 16
本章小结.... 19
第二章 A 企业的经营与财务管理现状........... 20
第一节 A 企业经营现状.. 20
一、企业简介与组织结构.... 20
二、 企业近年经济效益状况.......... 21- IV -
三、目前的经营特点 21
第二节 A 企业财务管理现状...... 23
一、管理职能部门现状........ 23
二、预算与成本管理制度现状........ 23
三、从业财会人员财管意识现状.... 24
本章小结.... 24
第三章 A 企业财务管理问题及成因... 25
第一节 A 企业财务管理问题...... 25
一、企业面临融资困难........ 25
二、财务管理理念落后........ 26
三、财务管理制度缺失........ 27
第二节 A 企业财务管理问题成因.......... 28
一、融资环境制约.... 28
二、管理方式制约.... 29
三、财务控制制约.... 29
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