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法全面分析该公司 2013-2015 年度的财务状况、经营成果等年报中出现的重
确定公司的利润动因、经营风险;同时选取了同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 A 企业作为对比对
关键词 财务分析;财务能力;指标分析;财务策略-II-
Study on Financial Capability and Promotion
Strategy of XingDa Company
Financial analysis is an important part of enterprise management. By
analyzing corporate reports and other data, we can intuitively understand the
financial and operating information of the enterprise. Financial capability is
characterized the level of financial resources and management of asset value,
which is reflected in the value of comprehensive strength and vitality of
enterprises.Using the method of financial analysis to indicate the financial
statements of the Company based on the open financial data, it will help the
policymakers get the exact information about the operation of the company, and
make the companys business useful strategy.
This dissertation takes XingDa company as the research object and
systematic analyzes the companys financial capability indicators. First of all, we
introduced the development strategy of XingDa company; then choose the
financial analysis methods to comprehensive analysis of the company during
2013-2015,for instance,the data of operating results in the annual report,
companys balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow table for comparative
analysis, ratio analysis and trend analysis. A company also is selected in the same
industry enterprises as a comparative analysis of the subject during the index
analysis, such as key financial ratios of the company, operating capacity,
profitability and development capacity in order to identify the main problems of
the XingDa company. At last, we present the constructive comments and
suggestions according to the current information; I hope this study can provide a
useful guideline for XingDa companys future development.
Keywords Financial analysis,Financial capability,Index analysis,Financial
strategy目 录
摘要........... I
Abstract .... II
第 1 章 绪论.........3
1.1 研究背景 ....3
1.2 研究目的及意义 ....4
1.2.1 研究目的 .........4
1.2.2 研究意义 .........4
1.3 国内外研究现状 ....5
1.3.1 国外研究现状 .5
1.3.2 国内研究现状 .6
1.4 研究内容与方法 ....7
1.4.1 研究内容 .........7
1.4.2 研究方法 .........7
1.4.3 技术路线 .........8
第 2 章 兴达公司的财务现状以及趋势分析......9
2.1 兴达公司简介和发展理念.9
2.1.1 兴达公司的简介 .........9
2.1.2 兴达公司发展理念......9
2.2 轮胎欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场状况 ..........10
2.3 兴达公司的财务状况趋势和结构分析 ...11
2.3.1 兴达公司的财务状况及趋势 11
2.3.2 兴达公司的财务结构分析 ....13
2.4 兴达公司经营成果的分析...........16
2.4.1 兴达公司利润及趋势分析 ....16
2.4.2 兴达公司利润表结构分析 ....17
2.5 兴达公司的现金流量分析...........18
2.5.1 兴达公司现金流量的趋势分析 ........18
2.5.2 兴达公司现金流量的结构分析 ........21
2.6 本章小结 ..22
第 3 章 兴达公司财务能力比较分析....23
3.1 兴达公司的财务能力分析...........23
3.1.1 盈利能力分析 ...........23
3.1.2 偿债能力的分析 .......24
3.1.3 营运能力的分析 .......27
3.1.4 发展能力的分析 .......28
3.2 杜邦财务综合分析 ..........29
3.3 本章小结 ..32
第 4 章 兴达公司提升财务能力的策略33
4.1 兴达公司财务战略设计...33
4.1.1 兴达公司财务战略目标........33
4.1.2 兴达公司财务战略制定........34
4.1.3 财务战略类型 ...........35
4.2 兴达公司提升财务能力策略.......35
4.2.1 盈利能力提升策略....35
4.2.2 债偿能力提升策略....36
4.2.3 营运能力提升策略....37
4.3 发展能力提升策略 ..........38
4.3.1 适度调整资产结构....38
4.3.2 加速产品资本的流动性........38
4.3.3 加强企业财务管理队伍建设 39
4.3.4 完善财务管理制度....39
4.4 本章小结 ..39
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