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Wang Wei(Business management)
Directed by Liu Chun
Abstract:Lean production as an advanced production management, in recent
years worldwide has been widely applied. In lean production widespread
attention today, many companies around the world are in the serious study of
lean production methods, but many companies importing lean production is
often the result has its shape without its god, these business challenges lies
build organizational culture of lean production. With the lean production
research, it was recognized that lean production methods to grasp just learning
tools and methods are not enough, we must strengthen the organizational
culture of lean manufacturing and grasp. The study also found that employees
involved in the recognition and impact of lean production is a key factor in
ongoing. For lean manufacturing organization, its introduction of lean
production can continue effective implementation in the enterprise, the key
lies in whether its internal staff to accept this new way and to mobilize their
enthusiasm and constantly improve their lean to better adapt production
methods implemented. In this process, the culture would lean production
organization's employees have a strong cohesion, thereby enhancing effect of
the implementation of lean production. In this paper, in-depth analysis of
organizational culture on lean production influence employee behavior
mechanisms to implement lean production methods for the enterprise to
provide guidance for their smooth implementation, has a certain practical
This paper aims to study how the specific cultural context of the
implementation of lean production methods, suitable for Chinese enterprises
to establish lean production scale organizational culture and employeebehavior scale, and lean production through research on organizational culture
influence employee behavior mechanism, establish Lean Production staff
shared values, in order to ensure sustained lean production methods
implemented in our enterprise. In this paper, to establish a good reliability and
validity of the scale lean production organizational culture and employee
behavior scale, based on the proposed employees' perceptions of
organizational culture and lean production relations employee behavior
theoretical model and assumptions, personal and Lean production of
organizational culture and employee behavior relationships fit the theoretical
model and assumptions, and then using simple correlation analysis and
multiple regression analysis on the assumption that we propose an empirical
analysis and verification, and finally concluded. The results show that if
employees' perceptions of organizational culture lean production are stronger,
then between their personal and organizational culture fit will be higher, but
also more conducive to lean production implementation in the enterprise.
Therefore, China's absorption of foreign right lean production in
organizational culture research is also necessary in the context of a particular
cultural establishment of a suitable organizational culture of lean production
and lean production enterprise personnel management system, improve staff
recognition for lean production to provide guidance in the implementation of
the enterprise.
Compared with previous studies, this paper has the following
innovations: (1) this article is in our particular cultural background of lean
production organization cultural studies, construct suitable organizational
culture of lean production scale. (2) conduct research for the employees
usually mostly used indicator is the employee turnover, organizational
commitment and job satisfaction, and this is expected from the
implementation of lean production staff conduct this perspective, the study oflean production on employee behavior organizational culture the impact
KeyWords : Lean production; lean production organizational culture;
employee behavior; impact mechanismVII
目 录
摘要 .......I
第 1 章 绪 论 ..........1
1.1 研究背景与意义 ...1
1.1.1 理论意义.....1
1.1.2 现实意义.....3
1.2 国内外相关研究综述 ...........4
1.2.1 国外的研究现状...........4
1.2.2 国内的研究现状...........6
1.3 研究问题与研究方法 ...........8
1.3.1 研究问题.....8
1.3.2 研究方法.....8
1.4 研究的创新与不足 .9
1.4.1 本研究的创新点...........9
1.4.2 本研究的不足.9
1.5 本论文的章节内容与结构 .......9
第 2 章 相关理论综述 ..12
2.1 精益生产的理论基础 ..........12
2.1.1 精益生产的定义..........12
2.1.2 精益生产思想12
2.1.3 精益生产方式的原则与方法13
2.2 组织文化与员工行为的相关理论综述 .........I
2.2.1 组织文化的定义..........13
2.2.2 组织文化的构成要素......13
2.2.3 组织文化的测量..........14
2.2.4 员工行为的相关理论......14
2.3 精益生产组织文化的理论分析 ..15VIII
2.3.1 精益生产组织文化的内涵..15
2.3.2 精益生产组织文化的特征..16
2.3.3 精益生产中技术要素对组织文化的要求..16
2.4 我国代表性企业文化与精益生产企业文化的比较...........18
2.4.1 我国代表性企业文化——海尔..........18
2.4.2 丰田公司精益生产组织文化19
第 3 章 研究理论与研究假设 ........21
3.1 研究理论 ........21
3.2 研究假设 ........22
3.1.1 精益生产组织文化的内部整合功能对员工行为的影响..22
3.1.2 精益生产组织文化的外部适应性对员工行为的影响....24
第 4 章 变量的测量与数据的收集处理 27
4.1 变量的测量 ......27
4.1.1 因变量的测量27
4.1.2 自变量的测量29
4.1.3 控制变量的测量..........35
4.2 数据的收集 ......36
4.2.1 研究主体....36
4.2.2 数据的收集与筛选....
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