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析,阐述信息化规划与建设在企业转型升过程中的重要性,并以 SAP 实施
对信息化核心软件 SAP 实施情况进行主要介绍与分析,并对已实施项目展II
关键词: 转型升级 信息化规划 SAP 实施III
In recent years, especially since , because of most domestic industries’
overcapacity, the economic structure transformation is ongoing, in the present
situation , the domestic manufacturing industries, especially the manufacturing
industry, are facing the problems of underemployment and rapid changes in market
demand etc. Enterprises face the problem of survival: first of all, the external market
strict requirements, too many product specifications, small batch demand, high
quality, short delivery time; secondly, the internal problems: fewer orders,
underemployment, staff instability, high cost, old ideas of the enterprise management
and all the staff, and the problem that the products can not meet the requirements. At
the same time, the internal management of enterprises faces various problems in the
process, technology, quality management , herby having a significant impact on the
business transformation and upgrading. How to deal with this , how to promote
internal management by the enterprise informationization, how to dispose of the
current situation and the problems during the informationization process All this is
the ring the subject must focus on.
There are many mechanical supporting enterprises, in the engineering industry,
most of the enterprises are medium-scale, Yinhua Machinery is their typical
representative, through the description and analysis of the problem during the
transformation and upgrading, this article will expound the importance of information
technology planning and construction in enterprise transformation and upgrading
process, and will systematically analyze the problems encountered during the process
of the SAP implementation and put forward suggestions and countermeasures, for the
reference by other similar enterprises,fully understand the information by the use of
information system thinking and specific tools, and reintegrate the internal
management problems by the reasonable use of information technology tools , so as
to solve the problem of the transformation and upgrading of enterprises. To provide
some help to Yinhua Machinery informationization through the informationizationIV
theory and by solving the practical problems, and contribute better to the company's
strategy, goal realizations and performance improvement, and the acceleration of the
upgrading and transformation of the company.
This article will illustrate through seven chapters the informationization
implementation in Yinhua Machinery in the context of the transformation and
upgrading. The first two chapters mainly introduce the background and significance
of the research, research contents and route, research methods and innovation points
and informationization-related theory and the domestic and foreign research on
informationization of manufacturing industry and the related theories,describe and
introduce the informationization connotation, and the basic definitions of enterprise
transformation and upgrading, the role of informatization construction in the
enterprise transformation and upgrading and lay the foundation for the full text of the
theory. The third chapter mainly introduces the present situation of Yinhua Machinery
management and informationization, which lays the foundation for further
development of informationization . The next three chapters mainly introduce Yinhua
Machinery enterprise informationization demands and condition analysis, and the
informationization planning objectives, department planning and implementation
program, carry out the main introduction and analysis of core informationization
software SAP implementation, and evaluation of the implementation of the project ,
finally summarize the research results, and point out some problems remaining to be
solved, and point out the research direction of the next research step.
Keywords: transformation and upgrading informationization planning SAP
目 录
第 1 章 绪论.....1
1.1 研究背景与意义.1
1.1.1 研究背景 ......1
1.1.2 研究意义 .......2
1.2 研究思路及内容.3
1.3 研究方法.4
1.4 逻辑路线..4
1.5 论文创新点..........5
第 2 章 国内外研究与相关理论.........7
2.1 国内外研究现状.7
2.1.1 国外研究现状及趋势 ..........7
2.1.2 国内研究现状及趋势 ..........8
2.1.3 工业 4.0 与信息化 .10
2.2 信息化内涵概述...........11
2.2.1 信息化基本界定 ....11
2.2.2 企业信息化基本内容 ........12
2.2.3 信息化基本步骤 ....13
2.3 企业信息化战略...........15
2.3.1 企业信息化战略和企业战略的关系 ........15
2.3.2 企业信息化战略的构成要素 ......16
2.4 企业转型升级与信息化建设...16
2.4.1 企业转型升级的基本定义 16
2.4.2 信息化建设对企业转型升级的作用 ........17
第 3 章 厦门银华机械经营管理与信息化介绍.......19
3.1 公司基本情况及发展历程.......19
3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司基本情况及存在问题.......20
3.3 公司经营管理与信息化现状及问题....22VI
3.3.1 企业信息化发展历程 ........22
3.3.2 信息化差距与分析 22
第 4 章 厦门银华机械企业信息化需求与条件分析...........25
4.1 企业信息化需求分析...25
4.2 银华机械 SWOT 分析 ..26
4.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司案例及对银华信息化的启示........28
4.3.1 北汽福田汽车信息化建设状况 ....28
4.3.2 福田康明斯发动机信息化建设状况 ........30
4.3.3 国内制造型企业信息化应用及对银华信息化的启示 ....33
第 5 章 厦门银华机械企业信息化规划.......35
5.1 企业信息化与发展战略...........35
5.1.1 企业转型升级发展战略 ....35
5.1.2 企业业务目标确定 36
5.2 企业信息化规划目标与规划思路........37
5.2.1 企业信息化的规划目标 .....38
5.2.2 企业信息化的规划思路 .....38
5.3 企业信息化规划与部门规划....39
5.3.1 IT 组织架构与治理方案 ....39
5.3.2 基础设施建设规划 40
5.3.3 业务部门规划调研 .42
5.3.4 业务部门规划确定 .45
第 6 章 企业信息化的实施与评价...51
6.1 企业信息化项目的实施...........51
6.1.1 公司信息化系统实施方案 .51
6.1.2 PDM 等信息化项目实施情况........53
6.1.3 SAP(ERP)项目实施过程...........56
6.1.4 项目实施经验与教训 ........57
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