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论文研究的基本思路和方法。本文以沈阳市 Y 村镇银行为例,就沈阳市 Y
细介绍。对沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款额度、农户贷款期限、农户贷款利
沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款风险管理存在的问题进行分析。主要有以下几
个问题: Y 村镇银行缺乏完善的信贷风险管理机制;风险管理内控机制缺
最后根据沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款风险管理中存在的问题进行详细的分
析,并以风险管理理论为基础,结合沈阳市 Y 村镇银行自身的特点与具体
关键词 村镇银行;农户贷款;风险管理
Risk Management of Shenyang Y Rural Bank
Loans to Farmers
Village Bank as rural financial institutions, newborn, to improve the
economic structure of rural finance plays an important role, but the rural banks
compared to normal commercial banks, relatively weak competitiveness, limited
financing capacity. In addition, the development of township enterprises and
enterprise far from large cities, making the development of village banks
struggling. Based on this research and discuss how to achieve sustainable
development of rural bank has important practical significance. The farmer loan
business is one of the main business of village banks, credit risk management is
important and difficult development of village banks, how to deal with risk
management issues loans to farmers, to rural banks to achieve sustainable
development has become a top priority.
In this paper, the main village bank loans to farmers as the purpose of
business to solve the risk problem loans to farmers is of great significance to the
sustainable development of rural banks. Conduct a review of relevant literature
and the literature review, organize foreign and domestic research on the status of
rural bank risk problem is now to determine the basic ideas and methods of thesis.
Taking Shenyang Y village banks, for example, on several aspects of the
establishment of village banks before Y, equity ratio, organizational structure and
branches, types of business, clients, staff structure for a simple introduction, and
its now Some loan programs stand Music credit, house music credit, Micro-
Lok loan, fixed asset loans, Nongle loan described in detail. Rural Bank
loans to farmers for Y amount, term loans to farmers, farmer loan rates, farmers
loans repayment and loan guarantees farmers the way for a detailed description.
Shenyang City Y Rural Bank loans to farmers risk management problems were
analyzed. There are the following questions: Y Village Bank lacks a sound credit
risk management mechanism, the lack of systemic risk management internal
control mechanisms, there are still many issues that need further improvement,-III-
the lack of scientific approach to credit risk management is clearly village bank
risk management major problem is low,overall quality of the relevant business
and illiquid. Finally, a detailed analysis of Y village bank loans to farmers in risk
management problems and risk management theory, put forward countermeasures
binding YVTBs own characteristics and specific risks.
Keywords Rural banks,loans to farmers,Risk Management目 录
摘要........... I
Abstract ........ II
第 1 章 绪论......1
1.1 研究背景及研究意义 ....1
1.1.1 研究背景 ...........1
1.1.2 研究意义 ...........2
1.2 国内外研究现状 ........3
1.2.1 国外研究现状 .......3
1.2.2 国内研究现状 .......3
1.3 主要研究内容与方法 .....5
1.3.1 主要研究内容 .......5
1.3.2 研究方法 ...........6
1.4 本文的技术路线 .........7
第 2 章 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行发展及其农户贷款业务现状.....8
2.1 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行概况 ...8
2.1.1 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行股权结构 .......8
2.1.2 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行组织结构和职能部门.........9
2.1.3 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行资产业务品种分类..........10
2.1.4 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行定位客户人群..10
2.1.5 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行员工层级构成..10
2.1.6 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行资产业务现状..11
2.2 沈阳市 Y 镇银行农户贷款项目现状 ....11
2.2.1 沈阳市 Y 镇银行现有贷款业务项目11
2.2.2 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款模式现状..........11
2.3 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行贷款风险指标情况 ..14
2.3.1 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行存贷款规模及结构..........14
2.3.2 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行风险监管指标完成情况......15
2.3.3 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行信贷风险分类情况..........16
第 3 章 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款业务风险识别及评估..18
3.1 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款业务风险识别..........18
3.1.1 村镇银行农户贷款业务机构管理机制风险......18
3.1.2 村镇银行农户贷款业务内部监管风险..........21
3.1.3 村镇银行信贷资本流动性风险 ....21
3.1.4 村镇银行资产战略规划风险 ......22
3.1.5 农户贷审流程控制风险 ..........22
3.1.6 农户贷款信用风险 ..22
3.2 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款业务风险评估..........23
3.2.1 农户贷款业务风险识别指标 ......23
3.2.2 农户贷款业务风险评估内容及权重内容........25
3.2.3 农户贷款风险业务评估信用等级的划分及评级方法..........26
3.3 沈阳 Y 村镇银行农户贷款业务风险评估结果分析....26
3.4 本章小结 ..26
第 4 章 沈阳市 Y 村镇银行农户贷款风险业务应对策略....28
4.1 加强银行信贷风险管理环境建设 ......28
4.1.1 坚持村镇银行常规经营不动摇 ....28
4.1.2 加强信贷风险管理业务培训 ......28
4.1.3 改变不良的信贷业绩观 ..........28
4.1.4 提升员工整体业务素质 ..........29
4.2 建立健全管理信贷风险组织机构 ......30
4.2.1 完善董事会制度 ....30
4.2.2 监事会发挥监督制衡作用 ........30
4.2.3 严格把控组织机构管理流程 ......30
4.3 优化信贷风险管理手段 ..31
4.3.1 完善借款人信用评级机制 ........31
4.3.2 健全信贷风险事先预警机制 ......32
4.4 加强金融手段创新 ......33
4.4.1 从客户源头上规避风险 ..........34
4.4.2 实施信贷风险转移战略 ..........34
4.4.3 开发适合农户业务产品 ..........35
4.5 本章小结 ..35
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