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本文首先对 CC 分行农户贷款业务操作风险的控制流程、控制主体、控制组
境)等方面对操作风险成因进行了深入的分析。通过分析,对 CC 分行农户贷款
通过研究 CC 分行农户贷款业务操作风险存在的问题,本文大胆的进行了剖II
Reserch on the Operational Risk of Farmer Loan
in CC Branch,ABC
The issues related with agriculture,farmer and rural area,have respect to the
development of the CCP and Chinese government,meanwhile solving the three rural
issues is the most important work for them. Rural finance is the core of the modern
rural economy.For realizing the agricultural development,rural prosperity and
increasing farmers income,a lot will depend on the strong support of Rural
finance.Over the years,CC branch, the big commercial bank being responsible for
three rural service,implements the central authorities on rural policy,gives full play
to the traditional advantage of services in rural areas,and actively explores effective
service for agriculture organization system , operation mechanism and specific
measures.However,with the rapid development of farmer loan,there are several
problems of CC branch’s farmer loan appeared,especially non-performing loans
increased sharply.Without effective farmer loan risk controlled,it will seriously
restrict the initiative for CC branch of supporting farmer.As a result it is bound to
restrict the development of farmer loan,and directly affects the construction of new
socialist countryside.
First,the problem of the operational risk of farmer loan in CC Branch is
described by control process,control subject,control organization system and control
environment construction.Second,the cause of the operational risk of farmer loan in
CC Branch is analyzed from control process (institution system,management
system,operationmechanism,credit operation),controlsubject ( people,ideas,qualities,a
bilities),organization systemand environment construction(policy environment,natural
environment,market environment,credit environment) and other aspects.Through
analysis,we have a clear understanding on the problem of the operational risk ofIV
farmer loan in CC Branch and lays the foundation for the improvement of the next
Through the analysis of the operational risk of CC branch’s farmer loan, this
thesis has proposed the concrete improvement measures: First, CC branch should
establish and improve the operational risk process system, in accordance with
subdivision principle in the whole process of loans issued to control and the
application of suitable operational risk measurement method through the pro-loan
investigation,loan origination,post-loan management,operational risk warning
mechanism,the operational risk measurement, risk management of organizational
structure; Second, CC branch should strengthen operational risk subject
consciousness, create a high-quality customer manager team through the
establishment of mechanisms for dynamic client manager,client manager training
mechanism,risk management mechanisms; Third, CC branch should strengthen the
c o n s t r u c t i o n o f r i s k m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m t h r o u g h t h e r i s k l e v e l
management construction and responsibilities,internal control methods,information
sharing, three defense construction,audit system construction and other
aspects .Last, CC branch should create a good social environment for farmer loan
through improving the internal control mechanism,implementing the
credit classification approval responsibility,strengthening the implementation of
systems,improving the credit environment,building the rural financial organization
s y s t e m , p e r f e c t i n g t h e r u r a l f i n a n c i a l o r g a n i z a t i o n
system with matching security mechanisms and other aspects.These measures are
practical,maneuverability is strong, and has the very good instruction to prevent the
operational risk of farmer loan.
Key word:
Farmer Loan , Operational Risk , Risk Management
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