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在分析 Y 公司全面预算管理现状及存在问题的基础上,针对目前 Y 公司全面预算管理中
范内容详细的“三维”预算管控体系,提升企业的全面预算管理能力,研究结论对 Y 公
关 键 词:全面预算管理;Y 公司;“三维”预算管控体系
研究类型:专题研究Subject : Research on the Y company's overall budget three-
dimensional control system
Specialty : Master of BusinessAdministration
Name : Zhang Zhaoyuan (Signature)
Instructor : Shang Mei (Signature)
Inthe state made 167 document on the further deepening of the central company
comprehensive budget management work of the notice issued, the comprehensive budget
management by more and more enterprises are applied to the practical management process,
through the use of and exploration for several years. Y began the implementation of a
comprehensive budget management since , the company resources to get the system
planning, in the company under a unified planning, Y company to realize the effective control
of resources, but has not yet completed the integration of the company management system,
the company has yet to be all available resources into the comprehensive budget management.
Therefore, improve the comprehensive budget management system, effective adjustment and
configuration of Y company internal resources, so as to enhance the comprehensive
competitiveness of enterprises, is the main work of the overall budget management of Y
In this thesis the comprehensive budget management theory, and the analysis of the
existing in the comprehensive budget management status of Y company based on the problems,
aiming at the main body, the comprehensive budget management in Y company the content
and process problems and issues in-depth analysis. In the management of the main aspects,
found responsibilities unclear, comprehensive budget management mechanism is not perfect;
the management content, found that the forecast system to the current profit oriented lead
managers to focus only on short-term benefits and ignore the long-term development of the
enterprise; in the management process, found that the current budget preparation method of
historical data in the adjustment in proportion as next year's budget, method is not reasonable,
is not conducive to the implementation and assessment.
In view of this problem, the main body of the existing budget, reconstruction and
optimization of content and process, process specification is obtained, the detailed content of
the comprehensive budget three-dimensional control system, enhance the comprehensivebudget management of enterprise, has the certain practical significance to optimize the overall
budget management of company Y research conclusion, but also has a certain significance to
perfect the comprehensive budget management of other enterprises.
Keywords:The comprehensive budget management;Ycompany; Three dimensional
budget control system
Thesis :Monographic study目录
目 录
1 绪论.....1
1.1 研究背景和意义..1
1.1.1 研究背景.......1
1.1.2 研究意义.......2
1.2 国内外研究现状..3
1.2.1 国外研究现状...........3
1.2.2 国内研究现状...........4
1.2.3 国内外研究评述.......5
1.3 研究方法、内容及技术路线......6
1.3.1 研究方法.......6
1.3.2 研究内容.......6
1.3.3 技术路线图...7
2 相关理论概述.9
2.1 全面预算的基本概念......9
2.1.1 全面预算的内涵.......9
2.1.2 全面预算管理的特征.........10
2.1.3 全面预算管理的功能.........10
2.1.4 全面预算编制的主要方法.11
2.2 “三维”预算管控体系的概念与评价......13
2.2.1 “三维”预算管控体系的概念...........13
2.2.2 “三维”预算管控体系的评价...........14
2.3 “三维”预算管控体系实施的理论依据..15
3 Y 公司全面预算管理现状与存在的问题....17
3.1 Y 公司概况.........17
3.2 Y 公司全面预算管理发展历程.18
3.3 Y 公司全面预算管理现状.........18
3.3.1 Y 公司现行全面预算管控制主体..18
3.3.2 Y 公司现行全面预算管控内容......19
3.3.3 Y 公司现行全面预算管控过程......21
3.4 Y 公司现行全面预算管理中存在的问题.........21
3.4.1 全面预算管控主体职责权限不明.21目录
3.4.2 全面预算管控内容偏窄.....23
3.4.3 全面预算管控过程不够合理.........25
4 Y 公司“三维”预算管控体系的构建.29
4.1 Y 公司“三维”预算管控体系构建的原则与思路..........29
4.1.1 构建原则.....29
4.1.2 构建思路.....30
4.2 Y 公司“三维”预算管控主体的构建..31
4.3 Y 公司“三维”预算管控内容及指标体系的构建......33
4.4 Y 公司“三维”预算管控过程的构建..35
5 Y 公司 “三维”预算管控体系运行保障措施...........38
5.1 组织保障措施....38
5.1.1 建立预算文化..........38
5.1.2 加强预算编制培训..39
5.1.3 调动全员参与积极性..........41
5.2 制度流程保障....41
5.2.1 建立健全相关配套制度.....41
5.2.2 引入平衡计分卡加强业绩的评价与考核.42
5.3 信息平台保障....44
6 结论与展望...47
致 谢...48
附录 1....52
附录 2....551 绪论1 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
1.1.1 研究背景
的传统,在 19 世纪 20 年代初率先将全面预算管理引进到企业管理当中,这一举措在实
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