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国内外 EPC 总承包模式的研究现状;接着介绍了工程项目、工程项目管理的定义
及特点、工程总承包的定义及主要任务。并对 EPC 总承包模式与传统承包模式的
之后,本文从总承包商的角度,根据 EPC 模式的运行特点,结合贵阳铝镁院
承包的攀钛项目,探讨了 EPC 模式下的项目管理措施和控制方法,包括组织管理、
进度管理、质量管理、成本管理、HSE 管理、信息管理。同时,总结了在攀钛项
本文以总承包商的角度,通过对 EPC 总承包模式的项目管理研究,对于贵阳
Engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) general contracting mode is prevailing in the
international project management , which has been widely used in petroleum, metallurgy,
chemical and other industrial projects, also gradually proven by the project owner and market
recognition, it will become important mode in international construction projects in future.
Firstly, this article generally introduces the research background, research significance and
research methods, and also introduces the research status of domestic and international EPC
general contracting model; then introduces the definition of project and project management
definition and characteristics, engineering, general contracting and main task. And the difference
between the EPC general contracting mode and the traditional contracting mode is compared and
Afterwards, this article from the point of view of the general contractor, according to the
operation characteristic of EPC mode, combined with Guiyang aluminium-magnesium design &
research Institute Co., Ltd.(hereinafter refer to “GAMI”) EPC project of Panzhihua titanium
smelting, illustrates the mode of EPC project management measures and control methods,
including the organization management, schedule management, quality management, cost
management, HSE management, information management. Meanwhile, it is summarized the
insufficiency such as unreasonable organization structure set, difficulties incost control , schedule
management not on the target, safety management yet to be improved in the process of Panzhihua
titanium project management,, aiming at those problem, the article puts forward measures and
suggestions for further improvement including the adjustment organization structure, strengthen
design management, good management of subcontracting plan, strengthen safe and civilized
measure costs etc..VI
This article in view of the general contractor, through the EPC general contract project
management research, provides the guidance for GAMI to conclude EPC project management
experience, improve the management, improve the ability of project management personnel has
certain guiding significance, meanwhile it also provides certain theoretical basis and practical
reference to improve the level of management of general contracting enterprise of our country.
Key words:Project management, project general contracting, EPC model, application, measures
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