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Rural finance is foundation and important part of the state's financial, and is
an important driving force of rural economic and social development, its
operation is related to the entire financial system stability, but also to rural
economic and social development and stability. Agricultural tax exemption
township fiscal health has undergone profound change, there have been many
new situations and problems. Agricultural tax reform and health among rural
finance are inextricably linked, agricultural tax reforms to make the financial
operation of the original township further apparent contradictions, conversely,
provide a new power and social environment for accelerate rural financial reform
and adjustment of run model.
This paper reviews the domestic and foreign scholars and experts on rural
finance research information, while fully described the status of Harbin,
township finance basic overview of the financial system, treasury functions,
revenue, expenditure, etc, and thus to exempt Harbin run rural financial
difficulties, causes and countermeasures after the agricultural tax for the study,
through comparative analysis, examples demonstrate other methods to
systematically sort out such problems as the agricultural tax exemption after the
financial operation of the township there is lack of financial resources, weak
income growth, too much financial dependents, financial difficulties of township
government agencies can’ t operate normally, the shortage of public funds for
construction products in rural areas, the debt problems increase. At the same time,
its causes from both internal and external point of view in-depth analysis that
rural economic development, debt burden as the main internal fac tors; revenue
system is irrational, unequal property rights and powers, the transfer payment
system is not perfect, free agricultural reform package of measures imposed lag
as the main external factors. On this basis, the paper focuses on the exemption of
agricultural tax Harbin run out of town finance to the plight of in -depth study,
from other aspects of the village to cultivate new sources of income to accelerate
and improve the transfer payment system, improve the rural financial functions,
establishing mechanisms to ensure funding for the township government, and
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