Subject: A Study on Technical Innovation Pathway of Yatong Heavy Equipments Co., Ltd
Specialty: Business Administration
Name: (Signature)
For the passing 35 years of reforming and opening up to the world, Small and medium
enterprises (SME) have been developing fast in China, also the scale of SMEs has been getting
rather larger and its number has been up to 99% of total number of all enterprises in the
country. Innovation is the soul of development and the power to survive for all SMEs. The
research on development status and innovation approaches of privately run SMEs can show us
the environment they are in, the issues they are having, and can help us find proper approaches
for their technical innovation.
On the basis of “Technical Innovation” theory, this article summarized general technical
innovation approaches used by both domestic and foreign SMEs. The article also reviews
current status and general methods of domestic SME’s technical innovation by combining
literatures research, on-the-spot study, comparison research, theory research and example
research, and by analyzing real situation and experiences of promoting SME technical
innovation in developed countries. Taking Yatong Heavy Equipments Co., Ltd as a research
example, by analyzing and researching its marketing competition and its current innovation
status, this article seeks problems and difficulties that privately run SMEs are having in
technical innovation and the reason which causing these problems and difficulties. We used
SWOT analysis method to explore the reasons which influence the enterprise’s technical
innovation and found a new approach for this company’s technical innovation. To ensure the
efficiency of this new technical innovation approach, we listed the environment requirements
and improved inner and outside environment according to the new requirements. The new
approach has had some initial effects.
The general approaches summarized in this article can provide some references for
technical innovations of privately run SMEs. By analyzing current approaches, we have found
the existing issues and their reasons and have designed new technical innovation programs.
The new technical innovation method of improving environment and to prove its effectiveness
in practice also offered a good reference and experience for other SME’s technical innovation.
Keywords:Private Small and Medium sized Enterprises (PSME), Technical Innovation,
Thesis: Application Research目 录
3.3.1 已采取的技术创新途径 22
3.3.2 现有创新能力评价 .......23
3.4 亚通重装问题成因分析 .........27
3.4.1 投资者的创新意愿过于偏颇 ....27
3.4.2 不重视项目前期市场调研 ........27
3.4.3 产品研发贪大求多 ........28
3.4.4 重研发轻管理 ....28
3.4.5 重销售轻营销 ....29
3.4.6 国家扶植政策争取不足 29
3.4.7 资源优势先天不足 ........30
3.4.8 资本融资运营困难 ........30
3.4.9 产品准入条件不对等 ....31
第四章 亚通重装技术创新方案设计.32
4.1 亚通重装 SWOT 分析32
4.1.1 优势(strengths).........32
4.1.2 劣势(weaknesses) ....32
4.1.3 机遇(opportunities) .......33
4.1.4 威胁(threats) 34
4.2 问题成因重要性排序 .35
4.3 方案设计的原则和思路 .........35
4.4 亚通重装的技术创新方案 .....36
4.4.1 人才创新方案 ...36
4.4.2 管理创新方案 ...38
4.4.3 资源创新方案 ...39
4.4.4 产品创新方案 ...39
第五章 对策与措施...41
5.1 技术创新所需要具备的内外环境基础 .........41
5.1.1 内部技术创新环境 .......41
5.1.2 外部技术创新环境 .......42
5.2 企业内外环境改善的对策措施 .........42
5.2.1 企业内部环境改善对策 ...........43
5.2.2 企业外部环境改善对策........... 44
第六章 结 论.........46
6.1 主要结论 .........46
6.2 本文研究的局限性 .....46 录
第一章 导论.....1
1.1 选题的背景与意义........ 1
1.1.1 选题的背景.......... 1
1.1.2 选题的意义.......... 2
1.2 研究的思路和方法........ 3
1.2.1 研究的内容.......... 3
1.2.2 研究的方法.......... 4
1.3 本文的主要创新点........ 4
第二章 技术创新相关理论观点及一般途径.5
2.1 国外技术创新理论观点研究综述........ 5
2.1.1 新古典学派......... 5
2.1.2 新熊彼特学派..... 6
2.1.3 制度创新学派..... 6
2.1.4 国家创新系统学派......... 6
2.2 国内技术创新理论观点研究进展........ 7
2.2.1 国内技术创新理论观点研究综述......... 7
2.2.2 政府对企业技术创新的支持..... 9
2.3 国外中小企业技术创新的一般途径... 9
2.3.1 美国中小企业技术创新途径.... 10
2.3.2 德国及日本的技术创新途径... 12
2.4 国内中小企业技术创新一般途径..... 13
2.4.1 自主创新........... 13
2.4.2 模仿创新........... 15
2.4.3 合作创新........... 16
2.5 综合评述......... 17
第三章 研究对象的现状问题和成因...........19
3.1 亚通重型装备有限公司企业简介...... 19
3.2 亚通重装产品市场竞争现状. 19
3.2.1 产品所处欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的地位和作用... 19
3.2.2 市场需求现状... 20
3.2.3 市场竞争态势... 20
3.3 亚通重装技术创新现状分析.. 22
ⅣⅡ目 录
6.3 有待于进一步研究的问题..... 46
致 谢...........47
攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文...........50第一章 导 论第一章 导论
1.1 选题的背景与意义
1.1.1 选题的背景
在改革开放过去的 35 年里,我国中小企业发展速度非常快,数量也已经非常巨大,
从国家统计局、国家工商总局统计的数据来看,2005 年为 2836 万家,2012 年为 5651
万家,年均复合增长率为 8.5%(见表 1-1)
。2011 年以个人独资企业等形式注册的企
业大概有 1100 万家、以个体户登记注册的企业有 3600 万家
的数量已经占到全国企业总数的 99%以上,创造了占 6 成的经济总量和财政税收,提供
了近 8 成的就业岗位,占据 80%以上的新产品开发、65%的发明专利、75%的企业创新,
。而中小企业中的 90%
是民营企业,民营企业当中的 99%是中小企业,可见民营中小企业在我国