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怠方面。本研究通过查阅国内外相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,与警员访谈、专家建议,正式形成 A
A 市公安局警员工作满意度,为 A 市公安局警员管理提供参考。
论文以 A 市公安局警员为研究对象,以工作满意度为研究工具,综合运用规
范研究、统计分析、实地调研等方法,对 A 市公安局警员工作满意度进行调查研
论文共分为 5 章。第 1 章是主要介绍警员工作满意度研究的现实背景以及研
究意义。第 2 章主要对工作满意度进行界定,以及对其国内外研究现状进行阐述。
第 3 章对 A 市公安局警员工作满意度调查设计。首先对 A 市公安局的基本概况进
行概述,进而对 A 市公安局警员工作满意度的影响因素进行介绍,再进行问卷设
计与测试。第 4 章是 A 市公安局警员工作满意度调查数据与结果分析。分析人口
显著影响。调查结果显示,A 市公安局警员工作满意度略高于理想值,在工作本
身、领导行为、人际关系 3 个维度得分较高,而在工作压力、个人发展方面得分
较低,并对调查结果进行原因分析。第 5 章 A 市公安局警员工作满意度的对策建
不断降低职业风险,从完善晋升机制促进警员的个人发展,提高 A 市公安局警员
关键词:A 市公安局,警员,工作满意度,调查II
The Investigation and Research on Police Work Satisfaction
of city A
As an important index in organization management, work satisfaction caused
most attention from managers and researchers at home and abroad. The research is
more mature at abroad, but in china it develop lately. The research on police
work satisfaction is little, they always pay attention on police mental health and work
burnout. This article absorb in the research at home and abroad,and it interview with
police, expert consultation, compiled police work satisfaction questionnaire of city A.
By discussing the the factors of police work satisfaction, it improve police work
satisfaction of city A.It provide reference for police management.
This article regard police as the research object and job satisfaction as a research
tool.The investigation and research of police work satisfaction use normative research,
statistical analysis, investigation methods so that it can improve the work satisfaction.
Five chapters is consisted of this article. Chapter 1 mainly introduced the
background of police work satisfaction and the significance of research. Chapter 2
mainly explain the concepts of work satisfaction and the related theories. Chapter 3
design the survey on police work satisfaction of city A. First the information the public
security bureau is introduced and the factors of police work satisfaction is explained.
Chapter 4 is survey data and the result analysis on police work satisfaction of city
A.The demographic factors is different in job satisfaction. A city public security
bureau The survey on police work satisfaction of city A is slightly higher than the ideal
value, it include work itself, leadership behavior, interpersonal relationship,the scores
is higher, and lower scores in work stress, personal development. Chapter 5 is the
suggestions on police work satisfaction. This chapter mainly come from the building
mechanism of mental health for alleviating the pressure of the police work.It can
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