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摘 要
2004 年沈阳广通实业总公司(以下简称 GT 公司)正式成立,作为中国民用航空
服务保障的双重任务。GT 公司高新技术产业从无到有,从小到大,走出了一条结合
空管局重要的辅助产业部门。历经几年的发展,GT 公司不断完善模拟法人制管理办

本文将 GT 公司作为研究对象。首先,简要介绍 GT 公司的历史沿革和发展现状,
具体剖析公司在战略发展中存在的主要问题。其次,采用 PEST 外部环境分析、波特
五力模型和 SWOT 理论综合对 GT 公司的市场环境进行具体分析。第三,根据总结分析
的结果,提出 GT 公司未来应采用的发展战略方案。最后,利用波士顿矩阵模型进一
步明确制定 GT 公司战略实施与控制重点,以及 GT 公司在战略实施过程中应当注意的
问题。本文旨在对 GT 公司进行战略分析,充分发掘其自身能力,比较优势,利用行
的战略方案,来打造企业的核心竞争力。希望该战略方案能在 GT 公司未来发展过程
中给予有效的帮助,使其在激烈的市场竞争中谋求长远发展。同时,通过分析 GT 公

关键词:公司,SWOT 分析,发展战略II
Shenyang Guangtong Industrial Company(GT Company) was formally established in
2004, as the third industry enterprise of Northeast Air Traffic Management Bureau of
CAAC, mainly to undertake Shenyang area business revenue and service of dual task.
High-Technology Industry in GT Company walked out of a road that combining with the
characteristics of civil aviation and ATC technology advantages, rely on self development
and explores market development, has already developed into northeast ATMB important
auxiliary sectors. After several years of development, GT company constantly improve
management approach of Analogue Legal Person, formation of business and service are
both independent and complement each other the third industry service pattern, make sure
of the value of state-owned assets in has carried on accumulated valuable experience.
However establish a business is difficult in strongly professional public institutions of ATC
system. In the process of strategic development faced with many problems.
This article is a case study,research the object of GT Company. Firstly, introduce breiefly
the history and current situation of the development of GT Company, the main problems
existed in the concrete analysis of strategic development in. Secondly, the external
environment PEST analysis, Porter five force model and SWOT theory to analyze the GT
Company market environment. Third, according to the analysis results, put forward the
development strategy of GT Company, the future should be adopted. Finally, using the
Boston matrix model to further clarify the strategy implementation and control points, and
the GT company should pay attention to in the implementation of the strategy process
problems. This paper aims to analyze the strategy of GT Company, is to explore its own
ability, advantage, disadvantage by empty industry strategy, rely on the accurate
positioning of scientific theory and method how to implement strategic management. It’s
going to build the core competitiveness of enterprises by formulating the strategy
effectively. Hope this strategy can provide effective help for the company’s future
development process, to seek long-term development in the fierce competition in the
market. At the same time, Through the analysis of strategic plan of GT Company, to
give some inspiration, for the third industry enterprise in the same industry. Today in the
rapid development of civil aviation industry, we must to clear the development of the third
indusry enterprise in the future.
Key Words: Company , SWOT Analysis, Development Strategy

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