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场新的产业革命 照明革命,LED (Light emitting Diode),即半导体发光二极管照明是
关键词:LED; SWOT分析;发展战略
The rapid development of semiconductor technology is a trend in today's high-tech
industries. After the lead of semiconductor technology microelectronics revolution, it breeds
another new industrial revolution ~ lighting revolution, marked by the semiconductor light
gradually replacing incandescent and fluorescent lamps. The most critical component of
semiconductor lighting is the semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED, Light emitting Diode in
abbreviation). Since the 1990s, along with the rise of the third generation of semiconductors
represented by GaN and successful study of blue and white light-emitting diode, as a new and
efficient solid light source,has shown its advantages of long service life, energy saving, and
green environmental protection.
Jiangsu CANYANG Optoelectronics Ltd. is founded in Yangzhou Economic and
Technological Zone in 2009. The company is mainly engaged in manufacturing and processing
Ultra-High Brightness LED epitaxial wafers (blue-ray), chips, indoor and outdoor lighting
products. These products' luminous efficiency are above 501m / W. Facing the rapid
development trend of domestic LED industry and the huge global market in the future, how to
position properly, how to cultivate the core competitiveness, how to make the strategic
expansion, and strategic issues such as how to compete in the international market have become
the problems management layer must think about and urgent to be solved. In this thesis, taking
the main objective CANYANG Optical for study, basing on the analysis of the its current
situation, this paper made a detailed analysis on the external environment by PEST and Porter's
Five Forces Model Analysis, and applied SWOT Analysis on its internal resources and
capabilities to enable the management layer to have a brighter understanding on its advantages
and disadvantages, and in business activities, to better develop the advantages and improve the
deficiencies, leading the company's management layer to a higher levelOn the basis of the
above analysis, this paper systematically gave CAN YANG a strategic positioning and
development strategy, and proposed the strategic objectives Enhance LED chip business,
expand downstream application markets, and become a leader in the field of LED.
Finally, combining with the chat between CANYANG's management layer and me, I put
forward key countermeasures to promote development strategy of the company, such as, how to
cultivate the core competitiveness, optimize the organizational structure, and improve the
management level. This paper aims to enhance CANYANG Optoelectronics Ltd.'s core
competitiveness to achieve the goal of sustainable development.
Keywords: LED; SWOT Analysis; Development Strategy
版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135