湘电集团有限公司国际化方案设计摘要:在世界市场的日益开放和持续的服务全球化背景下,中国企业的国际化是条必然之路,然而在中国企业进军国际舞台热情日益高涨的时候,如何将这条路走好,是值得我们深思的问题。本文以湘电集团有限公司为实例研究,首先分析了公司主要核心产品的外部市场环境和公司内部资源能力优势,结合企业国际化的现状,指出了当前企业国际化过程中存在的问题和缺陷,即缺乏专职专业的市场研究分析、清晰的国际业务流程规划、统一的产品定价机制和利润分配机制、适应国际市场竞争需要的人力资源管理机制以及对国际商务环境的深入、动态了解,同时企业急需培养自身资源获取能力、成本控制能力、风险控制能力、资源协调能力。其次,本文为公司的国际化进程制定了初期、中期、后期三阶段的发展路径和步骤,每个阶段设立了不同的战略发展重心和目标。最后提出根据湘电自身发展需求而应该建立的支撑体系和相对应的管理模式。关键词:国际化;外部环境;内部资源能力;SWOT分析;支撑体系分类号:Internationalization Programme Design of XiangtanElectric Manufacturing Group LtdAbstract: The internationalization is an inevitable road for Chineseenterprises in the era of opening global market and continuing globalizedservices. However, it is a thoughtful problem for us to consider how topractice well for internationalization, especially when the Chineseenterprises exploring the international market with a surge of interest.With Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group Corporation as the casestudy, this thesis analyzes the external market environment of coreproduct and internal resource capability advantages. It points out theexisting problems and deficiencies during the period ofinternationalization combined with the enterprise's current situation,which include being lack of full-time professionals of market researchand analysis, no clear operation process of international business, nounified product pricing mechanism and profit distribution mechanism, nohuman resource management mechanism to meet the demands ofinternational competition, no deep and dynamic insight into internationalbusiness environment. Besides, the enterprise is in urgent need to developits own resource acquisition ability, cost control ability, risk controlability and resource coordination ability. Moreover, the thesis sets threedeveloping paths for the course of internationalization with differentstrategic development focuses and targets, which include the initial stage,the middle stage and the later stage. Finally, it points out the supportsystem and management mode which ought to be established accordingto the self-development requirements of Xiangtan Electric ManufacturingGroup Corporation.Keywords: Internationalization, External environment, Internal resourcesability, SWOT analysis, Support systemClassification: