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TH 香料株式会社于 1903 年成立于日本东京,是一家主要以食用、日化香精等
地都建立了工厂,在业内以极具欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特色的香精而著称。TH 香料株式会社目前主
东南亚,TH 香料株式会社在华子公司(以下简称 TH 香料上海公司)成立于 2000
年 1 月,是由总部位于日本东京的上市公司——TH 香料株式会社全额投资在上海

由于近年来全球经济的不断变化,日本本土近年国内经济也不景气,使得 TH
于是 TH 香料上海公司的有关部门迫切希望重新审视原有的营销战略,希望通过对
TH 香料上海公司现有的市场营销战略进行调整,制定出具有本土化特征的适合中
国市场的营销战略。本研究旨在通过利用 PEST 分析法、竞争力分析法和 SWOT 分
析法分析 TH 香料上海公司的内外部环境,通过跟 TH 香料上海公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的竞争
对手比较优劣势,最终得出 TH 香料上海公司的营销战略。

本文首先介绍了 TH 香料上海公司所面临的香料欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景,然后通过对
销战略的重要性;然后运用 PEST 和 SWOT 分析法以及竞争力分析法对 TH 香料上海
公司的内外部环境进行分析,由 TH 香料株式会社总部的战略规划提升到 TH 香料

其次本文对 TH 香料上海公司香料公司同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争对手的优劣势进行比较,并
研究 TH 香料株式会社和 TH 香料上海公司发展战略之间的互相制约和联动。最后
提出了 TH 香料上海公司通过对产品业务结构的调整,加强对中华本土化的建设,
总结得出了适合 TH 香料上海公司发展的市场营销战略,从而带动 TH 香料株式会
社的业务销量增长。同时,TH 香料上海公司还应该积极响应国家一二五发展规划
的要求,加强自身对新产品的开发和应用,并希望通过总结 TH 香料上海公司的自

关键词:TH 香料上海公司,营销战略,PEST,竞争力,SWOT
TH flavor Co. Ltd. was established in 1903 in Tokyo, it is a key to flavor
& fragrance based manufacturer with a long history, It has a number of production
bases in Japan, and in the United States, China and other places have established many
factories, It is famous for the Oriental flavor extremely in the industry. TH flavor
company subsidiaries in China was founded in January 2000, Is by the headquarters in
Japan Tokyo, TH Corporation full investment in Shanghai established independent
corporate enterprises.
Due to the changing of the global economy in recent years, TH flavor Co. Ltd of
global sales continues to decline, and the main source sales of overseas sales from the
greater China region, So Shanghai company authorities are keen to review the original
marketing strategy, hope that through to TH flavors Shanghai company's existing
marketing strategy adjustment, to develop a marketing strategy suitable for the Chinese
market with local characteristics.This paper aims to using PEST and SWOT to analyze
TH Shanghai flavor company's internal and external environment analysis and the
competitiveness analysis, improvement of the strategic planning of TH flavor
Corporation headquarters to TH flavor Shanghai companies to increase their sales in
China marketing strategy.
This paper first introduces the TH flavor in Shanghai company faces the industry
background, and then the development status of marketing strategy and related theory is
introduced and the flavor & fragrance industry, put forward the importance of the
marketing strategy of flavor industry; then use PEST and SWOT to analyze TH
Shanghai flavor company's internal and external environment analysis and the
competitiveness analysis, improvement of the strategic planning of TH flavor
Corporation headquarters to TH flavor Shanghai companies to increase their sales in
China marketing strategy.
Secondly, the TH flavor Shanghai company in the same industry competitors
strengths were compared, and the mutual restriction between the development strategy
of TH flavor Co. Ltd and TH flavor Shanghai company of and linkage. Finally, TH
flavor Shanghai company through to the product structure adjustment, strengthen the
construction of the Chinese localization, summarizes the TH flavor Shanghai companyIII
marketing strategy development, so as to drive the TH spice company business volume
growth. At the same time TH flavor & fragrance company also to respond the twelfth
five-year-plan,to strengthen the development and application of new products,and
hoping by summing the advantages and disadvantages let other enterprises within the
industry will be able to get some inspiration.
Keywords: TH flavor & fragrance company, marketing strategy , PEST ,
Competitiveness, SWOT
第一章 绪论
1.1 论文研究背景
1.1.1 TH 香料株式会社概况
TH 香料株式会社创立于 1903 年,如今已跻身全球香精香料十强,在业内以
极具东方特色的香精而著称。自上世纪 70 年代末开启全球化战略,进展并不顺利。

1978 年建成的美国产销子公司长期亏损,直至近年才实现收支平衡;1990 年在泰
国设立贸易公司,旨在开拓东南亚市场,但苦撑多年后于 2004 年关闭。

而 TH 香料上海公司作为唯一一个能让总部在海外获得丰厚收益的公司,它是
在 2001 年进驻到上海,是 TH 香料株式会社在上海全额投资的独立法人,TH 香料
上海公司引进了 TH 香料株式会社的研究、技术、产品开发、生产以及管理理念,
目前 TH 香料上海公司主要涉及的产品业务就是食品、香料、日化和烟草香精香料,
其年销售额及盈利占整个集团的大约 1/10 强。为此,总部更坚定了在中国的战略
布局,TH 香料株式会社的销售额来源显示,其海外主要的销售额还是来自于中华
地区,根据对 TH 香料株式会社公司 2012 年的销售数据来看,目前其销售额占比

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