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本论文以 W 基金管理公司子公司为例,通过 COSO 内部控制整体框架理论系统
性的分析了 W 基金管理公司子公司的五大内部控制要素,并重点运用 PEST 外部宏
观环境分析模型识别 W 基金管理公司子公司外部经营风险;根据子公司传统的公司
稳步发展。并为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的内控立法及内控标准提供实践参考,同时检验 COSO 内部控
After more than 20 years rapid development since the opening and reform, the
securities investment fund industry is at a critical period of transformation and
development. The original public offering fund is challenged by more and more security
companies, insurance asset management companies, private equity funds and the trust
industry. The new born special account asset management company as the development of
the public offering fund asset management business is faced with a lot of potential risk of
uncertainty in the future operation. To set up a perfect internal control system is critical to
the subsidiary company of fund management companies.
In this paper, the subsidiary company of W fund management company is researched
as an example. We firstly recognized its external and internal risks by PEST analyze model
and company organization structures. Secondly, it is analyzed through the COSO internal
control integrated framework theory to explore the five internal control elements. Finally,
we constructed an integrited and effective internal control system. A perfect internal
control system for the subsidiary companies of fund management companies can reduce
the operation risk of each link in specific customer asset management business, protect
investor’s interests, and promote the healthy, steady development of the asset management
industry. Moreover, it can provide practical reference for industry control legislation and
internal control standard, test the universality of the COSO internal control integrated
framework theory as well.
Keywords:COSO; Subsidiary Company of Fund Management Company; Internal Control
第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.1.1 基金欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展回顾与现状
自 1998 年我国第一只证券投资基金——基金金泰诞生至今,我国证券投资基金
业已经历了 15 个春秋。纵观基金欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展历程,我国资产管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司以年均增长
资者之一。截至 2012 年 12 月 31 日,我国公募证券投资基金管理公司共计 70 家,管
理各类基金 1,241 只,基金总份额 35,245 亿份,剔除联接基金重复部分总资产管理规
模 28,278.39 亿元,有效总规模 18,700.74 亿元。①
图 1.1 1998-2012 年基金欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司资产规模走势图
①数据来源:中国银河证券基金研究中心,2012 年数据截至 12 月 31 日。有效规模是指按照各类
型基金的管理费标准化为股票型基金管理费的规模 。计算方法为:使用基金规模乘以基金管理
费率除以 1.5%,其中联接基金使用剔除投资于 ETF 的部分规模计算有效规模。
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