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Coin culture is one important part of our culture, with the rise of China39;s economic level
and the introduction of relevant policies, as well as the world39;s political and economic factors,
gold and silver coins investment developing from gold and silver coins collection continues to
heat up. Our country39;s gold and silver coins market is in a period of rising.
Shenzhen Guobao Mint Limited is a state-owned Mint, being given birth and growing up
along with development of China39;s gold and silver coins market. With the continuing
development and opening up of the gold and silver coins market, the considerable
development of the company is facing unprecedented challenges. How to continue to be based
on gold and silver coins in China market and develop healthily under the circumstance of gold
and silver prices* rising, consumer income39;s increasing, the market demand for gold and silver
coins and its derivative products39; continuing to increase is the issue this thesis to study.
Based on national gold silver coins industry and Guobao Mint reality, this thesis analyzes
the internal and external situation of Guobao Mint and makes research on its resources
capacity with the help of strategical analysis of PEST and the analysis of five forces for
industry. By the way of SWOT analysis,this thesis investigates Guobao Mint39;s advantages
and disadvantages, analyzes the marking opportunity and external threat, draws up the
suitable competitive strategies, and put forwards the effective solutions to carry out the
competitive strategies by the application of the related knowledge of competitive
strategy. The study of this thesis presents the method on Guobao Mint39;s competitive strategies,
makes clear the strategic intention, and puts forward the strategic and specific ideas and
solutions,which is of great realistic significance for the competitive development of Guobao
Keywords: Gold and Silver Coins Enterprises; SWOT Analysis; Analysis On the Five
Forces for Industry; Differentiation Competition Strategy
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