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SC 省农村信用社在绩效管理方面同样存在的一些误区,尚没有建立起有效的
过对 SC 省农村信用社下属的三家具有代表性的县联社进行调研,发现从总体上来
看,SC 省农村信用社的绩效管理还只是停留在起步阶段,对现代先进的绩效评估
绩效指标、360 度绩效考核及目标管理法等绩效管理方法的综合运用,绩效的考
题文章提出了对 SC 省农村信用社绩效管理方案的研究与设计。该方案的设计包括
系优化设计、全方位全过程的绩效管理流程设计,并且提出了绩效考核指标的 KPI
识、组织、目标、沟通、技术等层面提出了保障措施,以期能为 SC 省农村信用社
关键词:SC 省农村信用社,绩效管理,绩效考核,关键绩效指标法
Human resource management plays an important role in the enterprise. In the era
of knowledge economy, the competition in businesses mainly relies on talent. Human
resource is a tool to gain a competitive advantage, and is a mean to help enterprises to
obtain its advantages in cost, products, services and so on. And human resource is the
core of modern management. Performance management is the core of human resource
management. The domestic enterprises, especially the state-owned enterprises in the
era of planned economy, there is not a comprehensive performance management. The
employees do not know the content of the performance management,the majority
enterprises only have the simple year-end assessment. And many enterprises put an
emphasis on the role of the assessment and the penalties, thus increase the
psychological burden of the staff and the workload of the managers. The same is true
for domestic commercial banks, the current situation of performance management is
also poor in domestic commercial banks.
SC Provincial Rural Credit Cooperatives puts a lot of practice and exploration in
the performance management system, but due to the various obstacles and barriers, it
still has not an effective performance management system. In this paper, we conducted
investigation and study of three representative associated press of Sc Provincial Rural
Credit Cooperatives, and analysis the current situation of performance management
and flaws in Sc Rural Credit Cooperatives. Then put forward design solutions of the
performance management for sc rural credit cooperatives. But in the implementation of
the new performance management program there must exist some obstructions. Finally,
we conclude the solutions of conflicts and obstacles that may exist in the process of
implementation of performance management. These solutions conclude culture,
organization, goals, communication, technology and so on. We hope we can provide
reasonable suggestions to build the performance management system in Sc provincial
rural credit cooperatives and hope we can provide a reference for other enterprise,
especially the commercial banks in our country.
Keywords: SC Provincial Rural Credit Cooperatives, performance management,
performance assessment, key performance indicators method
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