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英国项目管理协会1(pdf 65)英文版.rar

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项目管理 英文版

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 英国项目管理协会 APM Project Management Body of Knowledge Frontispiece Preface page  Introduction to the BoK  1 General   Project Management   Programme Management   Project Context  2 Strategic   Project Success Criteria   Strategy/Project Management Plan   Value Management   Risk Management   Quality Management   Health, Safety and Environment  3 Control   Work Content and Scope Management   Time Scheduling/Phasing   Resource Management   Budgeting and Cost Management   Change Control   Earned Value Management   Information Management  4 Technical   Design, Implementation and Hand-Over Management Attitude – an open positive “can do” attitude which encourages communication and motivation, and fosters co-operation. Common sense – the ability to spot sensible, effective, straight forward, least risky, least complex solutions i.e. % right on time is better than % far too late! Open mindedness – an approach where one is always open to new ideas, practices and methods and in particular gives equal weight to the various disciplines involved on the project. Adaptability – a propensity to be flexible where necessary and avoid rigid patterns of thinking or behaviour, to adapt to the requirements of the project, the needs of the sponsors, its environment and people working on it – to ensure a successful outcome. Inventiveness – an ability to discover innovative strategies and solutions from within oneself or by encouragement with other members of the project team, and to identify ways of working with disparate resources to achieve project objectives. Prudent risk taker – a willingness and ability to identify and understand risks but not to take a risky approach in an unwise or reckless fashion. Fairness – a fair and open attitude which respects all human values. Commitment – an over-riding commitment to the project’s success, user satisfaction and team working. A strong orientation towards goal achievement. ......

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