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麦肯锡三星战略4(爱立信)(ppt 27).rar

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爱立信 麦肯锡

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Ericsson claims to be the only total solution provider in mobile communication who offers a full range of 2G and 3G standards. To secure its leadership position in mobile infrastructure, Ericsson may become a niche market player in mobile handsets Ericsson is a technology leader in mobile communication, which is reflected in its early releases of WAP, GPRS and bluetooth handsets and 3G networks Ericsson gives up the high-end market in mobile handset to focus on low-end. It is relatively strong in 1st tier cities, and the North and East China For core products such as mobile or fixed line infrastructure, Ericsson has centralized the sales forces to provide “one face” to customers; for smaller products such as mobile handsets, Ericsson sells through JVs and distributors Ericsson uses PTAC, PTIC, Stellar, 508, and the United First as its 5 first-tier resellers. Insufficient support provided by resellers limit the ability of its dealer and channels to provide pre- and after-sales support to customers, which greatly afftect Ericsson’s position in the China market Ericsson has 10 JVs and 4 WOFEs in China, among which Beijing Ericsson Mobile and Nanjing Ericsson Mobile Terminal are devoted to mobile handsets. Ericsson believes that localization is key. Ericsson uses joint venture partners to enter the market, and established holding company in 1994 to better manage local operations Ericsson uses its own sales force to sell core products and delivers coordination to compete in “solution” sales 此下载文件来自于 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 www.3722. (大量管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司下载) ......

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