HONG KONG NEW WORLD TOWER, SHANGHAI 香 港 新 世 界 大厦 上海办事处 DEBIT NOTE 收款通知单 Debit Note No: 帐单编号: Date of Issue: 发单日期: 租户名称/单元 Tenants Name / Floor No: Date / Period We have today DEBITED your accounts as follows Amount(USD) 金额(美金) 日期/期间 收款项目如下 Exchange Rate 汇率 1:X Total : 0.00 Please pay to: Shanghai New World Huai Hai Property Development Co. Ltd. 请付款至: 上海xx物业发展有限公司 Bank Detail Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch, Changning Sub-Branch. RMB A/C: 人民币帐号: USD A/C: 开户银行/地址: 交通银行长宁支行,上诲市江苏路508号 No.1408 Huai Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai. 中国上海市淮海中路1408号 美元帐号: Telephone: 联系电话: Mailing Address 联系地址: Remark Please settle the payment within one week after you receive the Debit Note. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank You. 备注: 请您在收到帐单后一周内付款,若有疑问请直接与我们联系。多谢。 Prepared By 制单 Approved By 批准 Amount(RMB) 金额(人民币) 0.00 06662908001677784 066629145100033440 (86-21) 64336688 any questions, please do not