2017年 3月 1日 Mar. 2017 现代电子技术 Modern Electronics Technique Vol. 40 No. 5 第 40卷第 5期 183 doi:10.16652/j.issn.1004 ?373x.2017.05.046 风力发电系统功率解耦的控制方案 张长志,周连升,贺欣,曹晓男,王建军,林 琳 (国网天津市电力公司电力科学研究院,天津 300384) 摘 要:针对风力发电系统功率解耦控制存在时滞误差的问题,提出基于 LM?Smith时滞补偿和误差修正的风力发电系 统功率解耦控制方法,构建风力发电系统控制输入输出的参量模型,以及控制目标函数。采用 LM?Smith算法进行参量的全 局最优解计算,以最优解为训练向量进行时滞补偿和功率解耦控制,实现控制误差修正。仿真结果表明,采用该方法控制风 力发电系统,功率的解耦性较好,提高了输出功率增益,在较大的负载范围内能有效实现稳定的电压输出。 关键词:风力发电系统;功率解耦; LM?Smith算法;时滞补偿 中图分类号: TN710?34;TP724 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1004?373X(2017)05?0183?04 Power decoupling control scheme for wind power generation system ZHANG Changzhi,ZHOU Liansheng,HE Xin,CAO Xiaonan,WANG Jianjun,LIN Lin (Electric Power Research Institute,State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company,Tianjin 300384,China) Abstract:Since the power decoupling control of the wind power generation system has the problem of time delay error,a wind power generation system′s power decoupling control method based on LM?Smith time delay compensation and error correc? tion is put forward. The input and output parameter model controlled by the wind power generation system and control objective function were constructed. The LM ?Smith algorithm is used to calculate the global optimal solution of the parameter,which is taken as the training vector to compensate the time delay and control the power decoupling,so as to correct the control error. The simulation results show that the method used to control the wind power generation system has