下面是比尔·盖茨夫妇TED讲座:我们如何放弃财富,希望文昌文案文昌文案整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读: 比尔·盖茨夫妇TED讲座:我们如何放弃财富 2021年,比尔·盖茨夫妇把在海滩上散步,做了一个重大的决定:将微软公司挣得的财富回报社会。在与克里斯安德森的谈话中,夫妇俩谈论了他们在比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会的工作,他们的婚姻,他们的孩子,他们的失败,还有他们回馈社会获得的满足感。 Melinda Gates: This is in Africa, our very first trip, the first time either of us had ever been to Africa, in the fall of 2021. We were already engaged to be married. We married a few months later, and this was the trip where we really went to see the animals and to see the savanna. It was incredible. Bill had never taken that much time off from work. But what really touched us, actually, were the people, and the extreme poverty. We started asking ourselves questions. Does it have to be like this? Bill Gates: Well, we decided that wed pick two causes, whatever the biggest inequity was globally, and there we looked at children dying, children not having enough nutrition to ever develop, and countries that were really stuck, because with that level of death, and parents would have so many kids that theyd get huge population growth, and that the kids were so sick that they really couldnt be educated and lift themselves up. So that was our global thing, and then in the U.S., both of us have had amazing educations, and we saw that as the way that the U.S. could live up to its promise of equal opportunity is by having a phenomenal education system, and the more we learned, the more we realized were not really fulfilling that promise. So this is a story largely of vaccines. Smallpox was killing a couple million kids a year. That was eradicated, so that