(sample letter of intent form)letter of intent for possiblecontract for sale of assetspossible seller: _____________________________possible buyer: _____________________________business: _____________________________date: ______________, 20_____
this is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the business named above from the possible seller named above to the possible buyer named above. this is not a contract. this is not a legally binding agreement. this is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only. this is being signed in order to enable the possible buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price. this letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the possible buyer. the terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by possible seller and possible buyer. the word "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.____________________________ ____________________________________________________witnesses____________________________ ____________________________________________________witnesses(合同意向书范本)潜在资产出让合同意向书潜在卖方:_____________________________潜在买方:_____________________________交易事项:_____________________________日期