Abstract 中文摘要 随着市场经济的发展,小企业地位不断提升,同时小企业也是中大型企业的 摇篮,只有小企业不断壮大,才能涌现出更多的中大型企业,但是随着市场环境 是变化,制造型小企业的利润空间却不断缩小,面临着严峻挑战,在小企业经营 中采购质量的高低变得尤为关键。 本文以 T公司供应商选择作为研究背景,剖析其供应商选择主要问题并寻求 解决方法:首先,供应商评价指标单一且主观随意,因此本文采用德尔菲法确定 评价指标,并使用 G1法计算指标权重,该方法不仅能够避免指标数量多时AHP 方法的一致性检验难通过的问题,而且在一定时期内具有保序性;其次,T公司选 择供应商时,只考虑供应商某时点的价格横向对比,未关注各项指标的动态变化, 本文采集了连续期间的动态数据,并按照厚今薄古的原则确定时间权重将动态数 据进行集结,构建了便于进行供应商综合评价的指标体系。第三,T公司供应商选 择也没有科学、系统的选择方法,由于 T公司选取的指标既有精确数值指标、区 间型指标又有语义语言指标,于是本文针对混合多属性指标特点将各种类型指标 模块化,其中语义语言指标转换为直觉模糊数后采用动态直觉模糊决策理论方法 能有效避免直觉模糊数指标向精确值转换造成数据失真,同时结合 TOPSIS思想分 别计算各模块正负理想解,最后将各模块理想解加权得到方案最终排序,据此建 立供应商动态综合评价模型,以择出最优方案。 通过本文的研究,可以为 T公司选择供应商提供一种简单实用的方法,也可 以为其他类似的动态混合多属性决策问题提供量化依据。 关键词:供应商选择;G1法;混合多属性;动态直觉模糊 I 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With the developmentof market economy, the statusof small enterprises is constantly improving, and small enterprises are also the cradle of medium and large enterprises. Only when small enterprises continue to grow, more medium and large enterprises can emerge. However, with the change of market environment, the profit space of manufacturing small enterprises is shrinking, and they are faced with severe challenges. This paper takes T Companys supplier selection as theresearch background, analyzes the main problems in supplier selection and seeks solutions: First of all, the supplier evaluation index is single and subjective, so this paper uses Delphi method to determine the evaluation index, and uses G1 method to calculate the index weight. This method can not only avoid the problem that the consistency test of AHP method with a large number of indicators is difficult to pass, but also preserve the order in a certain period. Secondly, when selecting suppliers, T Company only considers the horizontal comparison of the prices of suppliers at a certain time point, and does not pay attention to the dynamic changes of various indicators. This paper collects