中文摘要 中文摘要 随着教育市场参与者行为模式的转变与更新,新的教育形式随之出现。线上学 习或线上线下相结合的混合式学习模式为那些受区域限制、时间限制的学生提供 了良好的替代学习机会,更有助于教育覆盖面的扩大。俄罗斯在线教育平台经过十 余年的发展已经取得了一定的成绩,但与用户的期望还有一定的差距。本文从用户 满意度视角切入,采用问卷调查的方式收集线上用户的体验数据,调查俄罗斯在线 教育平台用户满意度现状,基于技术接受度模型、S-O-R 理论以及顾客满意度理 论构建俄罗斯在线教育平台用户满意度影响因素理论模型并提出研究假设。实证 研究结果显示,感知有用、感知易用对用户满意度以及用户持续使用意愿具有显著 的正向影响,而感知风险对用户满意度、用户持续使用意愿具有显著的负向影响; 用户满意度在感知因素与用户使用意愿的关系中起到中介作用,而用户自身因素 在在感知因素与用户使用意愿的关系中起到调节作用。基于此,本文从提升在线教 育平台的有用性与易用性、建立健全在线教育平台的安全机制、识别用户特征并精 准推送、加大对在线教育平台的宣传力度提出了提升俄罗斯在线教育平台用户满 意度的策略。 关键词:俄罗斯;在线教育平台;用户满意度;影响因素 -I- 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With the change and renewal of the behavior mode of the participants in the education market, new forms of education appear. Online learning or hybrid learning mode combining online and offline provides good alternative learning opportunities for students who are limited by regions and time, and is more conducive to the expansion of education coverage. After more than ten years of development, Russian online education platforms have made certain achievements, but there is still a certain gap between them and users expectations. From the perspective of user satisfaction, this paper collects the experience data of online users by questionnaire survey, investigates the current situation of user satisfaction of Russian online education platforms, constructs a theoretical model of influencing factors of user satisfaction of Russian online education platforms based on technology acceptance model, S-O-R theory and customer satisfaction theory, and puts forward research assumptions. The empirical results show that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant positive impact on user satisfaction and user willingness to continue using, while perceived risk has a significant negative impact on user satisfaction and user willingnessto continue using; User satisfaction plays a mediating role in the relationship between perceived factors and users willi