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“从无到有创建品牌课件PPT”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
“ Building A Brand From Scratch 从无到有创建品牌 A Brand Is … 品牌是... A unique combination of three attributes 三种属性的独特组合 A Brand Is … 品牌是... product benefit 产品的好处 what makes the consumer like the product 什么令消费者喜欢该产品 brand personality/image 品牌个性/形象 what makes the consumer trust the product 什么令消费者信任该产品 consumer needs/beliefs 消费者需求/信念 what makes the consumer value the product 什么令消费者高度评价该产品 If we can understand the “connection” between these three attributes, then we can turn a product into a brand 如果我们了解这三种属性之间的“联系”,就能将一个产品转为一个品牌。 This gives us a “framework” for understanding what our brand is, or could be 这给我们提供了一个“架构”去了解我们的 品牌是什么、或者会是什么 An Example : Nike 例子:耐克 Launched in 1974 1974年投放市场 Sports shoe specialist with worldwide sales of US$877m by 1986 成为运动鞋专家,1986年全球销售收入为八亿七千七百万美元 New advertising campaign “Just Do It” took sports imagery mass market 题为 “Just Do It” 的 新广告以运动形象打入大众市场 passion, drama, moral uplift 热情、戏剧性、品行升华 made it fashionable 使之成为时髦 made sports shoes a fashion item 使运动鞋成为时髦货 Worldwide sales of US$9,200m in 1997 97年全球销售额 92 亿美元 The Connection 关系 Triangle 三角形图 Product Benefit 产品的好处 Why I like the product 我为何喜欢该产品 Consumer Needs/ Beliefs 消费者需求/信念 Why I value the product 我为何高度评价该产品 Brand Personality Why I trust the product 品牌个性 我为何信任该产品 Nike Connection 耐克 Triangle 关系三角形图 Optimum Performance 品牌力的表现 The end always justifies the means 结果总能验证方法 Empowerment & Irreverence 授权与不逊 One Mistake : Nike 耐克的一个错误 Launched casual shoes in 1994 在1994年推出休闲鞋 Disastrous sales, and damage to Nike image. What has casual shoes got to be with Nike brand Range withdrawn 销售额损失惨重,令耐克形象受损。 休闲鞋和耐克品牌又有什么联系呢 撤回该系列 “ It is not enough just to know the consumer. You also have to know your brand” “仅了解消费者是不够的,还要 了解你的品牌” (Phil Knight, Nike founder) (Phil Knight, 耐克创立者) Why ? 为什么? Revisiting the commodity consumer 再访消费者 Lessons From Nike 从耐克吸取的教训 Deliver a superior product, as defined by the consumer 消费者认为你所提供的是出众的产品 not something anyone can do 而不是任何品牌都可以做到的产品 At an acceptable premium 付出可接受的额外费用 Own a corner of the consumer psyche 在消费者的灵魂深处拥有一席之位 the desire in all of us to be a ‘winner’ 每一个人都有想成为“胜者”的欲望

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