# 以下为纯文本简介,不带文件格式;详细内容请下载文档查看;
About this report
This report covers WTO activities in 2022 and the early part of 2023.
At the start of the report, Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala re?ects
on the current challenges facing world trade (as of June 2023) and the
role of the WTO in helping the world address these challenges.
Further information about the WTO’s activities is available on the WTO
Who we are
The World Trade Organization deals with the global rules of trade
between WTO members. Its main function is to ensure that trade
?ows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
This report has been prepared by the WTO Secretariat. It does not re?ect the
positions or opinions of WTO members and is without prejudice to members’ rights
and obligations under the WTO. Any errors are attributable to the WTO Secretariat.
Cover image: A ?sherman collects his catch in Mozambique.
Contents1 Overview4 Message from Director-General
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala6 In the spotlight:
12th Ministerial Conference 10
Trade and health12 Trade and climate change 14
Trade in a year of polycrisis 16
World trade success stories 20
Our year
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